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Talk to your freshman roommate before college starts.
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Things to Discuss with Your Freshman Roommate Before College Starts

After months (and even years) of planning for college—researching, visiting, applying, choosing a major, waiting for acceptance letters, applying for financial aid, and committing to a school—you might be forgetting one really important factor: finding your freshman year roommate. Whether you’re excited to have a freshman roommate or you’re dreading it, don’t stress. We’ll guide …
Students sitting in a college library.
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13 Student Resources on Your College Campus

Your college doesn’t only offer you classes. Your professor and the library aren’t your only resources should you need help with your coursework. You’re paying a lot for tuition – it’s important to know the college campus resources available to you during your studies. From IT departments to advisors, here are some college campus resources …
Coffee maker or tea pot - best gifts for college students
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Great Gifts for College-Bound Students

Whether as graduation presents or good-luck gifts, there are a number of items helpful for the college-bound student. Here are just a few of the best gifts for college students starting their freshman year: Noise-Canceling Headphones Useful for drowning out noise so students can study, or roommate’s snoring so they can sleep, noise-canceling headphones can …
College packing list: school supplies
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College Packing List Overview

You’ve received your college acceptance letter and the countdown to your first semester has begun. The only left to do is to pack your suitcases. Packing up to go off to college can be daunting. There are so many things you want to take along with you but you have to be careful not to …
College orientation can be fun and informative
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FAQs About College Orientation

College orientation is essentially your introduction to college life. At your college orientation you will get to meet other students, familiarize yourself with the campus, and ease the transition from the high school to college. What happens at college orientation? Every college may structure orientation differently but essentially the day is organized in a way …
Here are some freshman year of college tips and FAQs.
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FAQ About Preparing For Freshman Year

The summer before freshman year of college can be a stressful time, and you no doubt have questions about what to do and what to expect. Here are some freshman year of college tips and frequently asked questions answered. How Much Should I Pack? This is a common problem for freshman students who tend to …
Here are some great graduation party ideas for high school graduation
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How To Throw a Great Grad Party

Now that your high school graduation is on the horizon, you probably feel like throwing a grad party! Congratulations! If you’re looking to host one, here are some graduation party ideas and tips to make sure it’s great. Plan Ahead One of the biggest aspects of throwing a grad party, or any party really, is …
Before you go off to college, follow their social media profile!
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Why You Should Follow Your College on Social Media

There are many things soon-to-be-freshman should do before their first year of college starts. One of those things should be to follow their college’s social media profile(s). Here’s why: Keep Up to Date on News Nowadays, social media platforms are where many people get their news. Whether it’s a trending topic or updates from pages …
We put together some stress management tips for college freshmen.
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Managing Stress: Tips for Freshman College Students

It’s perfectly normal to be worried or nervous about heading to college! However, not everyone’s anxieties are the same. Here are three common worries and stress management tips on how you can help deal with the stress. Nervous About Homesickness Are you worried about leaving your parents, your siblings, and your pets at home? Worried …

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