All Student Life Articles

A student writing his college application essay.
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Debating the Art of Persuasion: How To Write an Argumentative Essay (With Example)

Key Takeaways A strong argumentative essay uses credible evidence, logical reasoning, and counterarguments to create a well-rounded paper. Before you start writing your argumentative essay, you’ll need to do thorough research and create an outline that details how you’ll support your main topic. To help you prepare for writing your next essay, read the example …
student life

AI Applications in Education: A Real Life Student Use Case

Since the release of ChatGPT in 2022, students everywhere have been using AI in and out of the classroom for help studying, assistance with homework assignments, as a proofreading tool, and so on. While AI has proven to be an invaluable asset to students everywhere – able to simplify tasks and generate ideas and responses …
Chart Comparing superlative vs comparative adjectives.
student life, tips tools & advice

From Better to the Best: Unpacking Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Key Takeaways A comparative adjective compares two people or things (i.e. John is taller than Jack.) A superlative adjective compares the extremes of three or more things. (i.e. John is the tallest boy in the class.) To correctly use these forms, add -er for shorter comparative adjectives and -est for shorter superlative adjectives; while using …
Improve your memory by writing information down with a pencil and paper
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The Power of Simplicity: A Look at Simple Sentences with Examples

Key Takeaway Simple sentences express one clear idea and contain one independent clause (subject + predicate) and no dependent clause(s). An example of a simple sentence is “Adam jumped on his trampoline.” (Adam = subject and jumped on his trampoline = predicate). Every simple sentence must contain a noun/pronoun and a verb but can include …
Honors courses and colleges attract a lot of attention.
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A Complete Guide to Honors Programs and 5 Big Benefits

Honor programs recognize high-achieving students who have a history of excellent grades. The programs’ classes and courses are difficult, but they can be perfect for high school and college students who want a challenge in their education. Plus, they offer a number of benefits including recognition, scholarship opportunities, and more. Here’s a complete look at …
There are a few ways to save money on college textbooks
student life, tips tools & advice

How Book Subscription Services Can Help Save You Money on College Textbooks

Book subscription services are a type of subscription service created especially for college textbooks. If you have a Netflix subscription, or maybe a Hulu or Disney+ subscription, you have an idea of how these services work. Book services work in a similar manner but instead of entertainment, these services revolve around digital textbooks for college …
student brainstorming persuasive speech topic
student life, tips tools & advice

25 Good Persuasive Speech Topics

Key Takeaway A good persuasive speech aims to change someone’s mind by making them believe, feel, or do something. When crafting a speech that will engage and captivate your audience, the last thing you want is to be stuck on the first step: choosing the right topic. To help, we’ve put together a list of …
Student to apply for scholarships online.
student life, tips tools & advice

Essay Guide: How Long is an Essay?

Several factors determine the length of an essay including the type, purpose, and the assignment itself. When you receive an assignment with a specified word count, use it as a guide to plan your essay, ensuring that you cover all necessary points. While the length is important, so is its quality. Whether it’s 500 words …
student life

10 Great Passion Project Ideas

Think about something that really excites you. Maybe it’s a hobby, a cause, or a future career. Thought of it? Now, imagine channeling those ideas into a passion project. A passion project gives you the chance to pursue ideas that make you curious or excited. But, you don’t have to worry about grades or deadlines. …

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