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careers & internships, questions & answers

Adulting 101: What You Need to Know About Leaving the Nest

Ah, adulting: the time when you leave the nest, spread your wings, and realize… you might not actually know how to fly. The term “adulting” has become a popular way to describe behavior that is seen as responsible and grown-up. According to, this behavior often “involves meeting the mundane demands of independent and professional …
majors & industries, questions & answers

Is Grad School Necessary? 3 Important Questions to Ask

You’re almost to the end of your bachelor’s or associate’s degree – congratulations! So, what’s next? Some college students take a gap year before starting a career, while many others go straight into the workforce after receiving their four-year bachelor’s degree. Some college students even start grad school and graduate research. During your undergraduate degree, …
questions & answers

How Much Do Professors Make: A Quick Guide

Professors’ earnings, on a scale of one to ten, range from one to ten! There are different levels of university teaching staff which include assistant, associate, and full professors. Full professors’ salaries will depend on whether or not they have tenure (a long-term teaching contract), their education, how many degrees they have and in what …
City scape with text: What degree do I need for my dream job?
questions & answers

What Degree Do I Need For My Dream Job?

Do you have a dream job in mind, but aren’t quite clear on what degree you need to actually apply for that job after graduation? Some jobs may require a high school diploma, but others ask for a Master’s or higher. Here are a few ways to find out what degree you will have to …
College Raptor Careers Center
questions & answers

How to Use College Raptor’s New Career Center!

College Raptor just launched a brand new tool that can further assist students and their families in the college planning process—the Career Center! Whether students want to learn more about potential careers or find what college best fits their job goals, this new database will help students on their journey. Let’s break down how to …