All Student Life Articles

Female college student leaning on a building post while studying.
student life

11 Things to do Between Classes

As a college student, you have a lot of freedom over your schedule. You have a long list of classes that you can add to make a customized schedule. Perfect, right? Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out how you want it. It would be really nice to have a block of classes each day starting …
Where did some of the top college football coaches go to college?
student life

Where Top College Football Coaches Went to School

The school year is just around the corner. The fall season brings fresh school materials, cooler weather, bonfires, pumpkin everything, marching bands, and football. Football is an important aspect to many college cultures around the culture. It boosts school pride and engages students in experiencing camaraderie with their classmates. Many people anticipate the start of …
You're at your dorm room and ready to move in!
student life

Letter to Students About College Move In Day

Dear Students, Wow! The day is here, and it probably feels surreal. The planning, applications, and search is done. You have arrived at your dorm. It’s most likely better and worse than you imagined at the same time. It may be not as nice as your room at home, yet seems so much more awesome! …
Longhorn Marching Band at Texas Memorial Stadium.
student life

10 of the Best College Marching Bands

Marching band halftime shows are a staple of American football and a highlight of Game Day for many fans. When halftime rolls around, football players hit the locker rooms while the band takes the field – it’s their time to entertain and shine. It’s the flashy uniforms, the articulate steps, and amazing choreography that gets …
It's college move in day for your student.
student life

A Letter to Parents about College Move In Day

Dear Parents, Take a deep breath. The day has come, college move in day. It is a big moment in your child’s life, but also yours. Your student is excited about freedom, friends, and less class time than high school (okay other important academic interests as well). You’re nervous. You won’t be around to help …
A student riding a bicycle down a street.
student life

How to Be a College Commuter Student

While there is a convenience to living on campus, there is also something to living off-campus. The space, the ability to cook your own meals, not having to share a room with others, not using a communal bathroom; I could go on. Of course, there are some things to consider when living off-campus. Whether you …
A student driving a car with their phone attached to the dashboard.
student life

Uber on College Campuses

If you are from a metropolitan area or pay attention to the news, you have probably heard of Uber. Uber is similar to a taxi service but more convenient for its users and drivers. Users download the app and easily find a ride at a reasonable cost, you pay online through the app, and the …
You'll still have volunteer opportunities in college.
student life

Finding Volunteer Opportunities on College Campuses

Many high schools have volunteer service requirements that students have to meet in order to graduate. But the volunteering doesn’t have to stop after high school graduation. Here are some ways to find volunteer opportunities in college. Classes Certain classes might have service-learning requirements. This should be apparent in the class overview and syllabus. You …
What happens if your best friend attends a rival school?
student life

What if My Best Friend Goes to a Rival School?

Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Or does it? What if your best friend goes to your rival school? You must be sworn enemies. Or maybe not. While you are probably used to sporting the same colors and participating or cheer for the same team you shared in high school, things have changed. They now …
Here are 16 politically active college campuses.
student life

Most Politically Active Campuses

Ah, politics. You either love them or you hate them. Maybe you’re a political buff who enjoys filling their days with copious amounts of reading and writing on politics. Or, maybe you’re a headline-reader only hearing of the most notable news of the moment- like the current Republican and Democratic National Conventions. Perhaps you think …

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