Gwyneth Findlay

Before you commit to working for a nonprofit, consider these pros and cons.
student life

Pros and Cons: Working for a Nonprofit in College (with quiz!)

Between social events, grocery bills, room & board, and tuition payments, you may find yourself looking for some extra money in college. Weekend music gigs and freelance design work could help you out. But, a secure, constant job is your best bet for consistent cash flow. But where will you find a part-time job? With …
You should consider attending a medium sized college
college search

Why a Medium-Sized College Might be Right For You

Without visiting college campuses, it’s hard to get a feel for how a college’s size will influence your experience as a student. But trust me on this: a medium sized college is the ideal fit. What is a medium sized college? College websites offer their various definitions, but the consensus generally falls in the 2,000 …
Art Basel, one of the best art shows, has multiple colleges near it.
student life

Colleges Near the Nation’s Best Art Shows

Visual art shows bring a city to life. Artists from across the country—and around the world—bring their latest and greatest masterpieces. A sprawling display of myriad styles takes over the ho-hum or ordinary city life. The population swells as eager visitors converge upon vibrant creations of shape, texture, and color. Food trucks and local caterers …
academic prowess
college search

How to Gauge a School’s Academic Prowess

You know a great college atmosphere when you see it. Vibrant student life. Proven athletic teams. Lively events. But when it comes to the quality of education, how do you quantify a school’s academic prowess? Look for these features—even if you have to dig a little bit—to discover schools that strongly value academic prowess among …
college search

The Benefits to Choosing an Innovative College

You’ll find similar features at colleges and universities across the country. Most schools work off of one another for inspiration. Many also track and mimic successful trends. When you’re looking at schools, you’ll find common elements at virtually every school on your list. But what about the schools that stand out and are innovative? What …
Use social media to help your college search
college search

How to Use Social Media in Your College Search

It’s college application season. You’re bogged down by college entrance tests, essays, interviews, application forms—on top of your regular high school coursework. With all of these responsibilities, you might let other aspects of the college search fall through the cracks—like effectively using social media. Use social media to keep track of deadlines, learn about your …

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