Laura Davison

Beat your senioritis with these tips
tips tools & advice

How to Beat High School “Senioritis”

High school students today have a lot of responsibilities between school, part-time jobs, extra-curricular activities and maintaining a social life. Trying to prepare for college by balancing these facets of their lives can be exhausting and overwhelming at times. After a while, students get burned out and may find themselves slipping in their classes because …
choosing a college far from home
college search

Pros and Cons of Attending a College Far From Home

Choosing which college to attend is an important and often challenging decision that High School students face. A myriad of factors come into play from financial need and offered majors to extra-curricular activities and job placement. Another factor to be considered is location and how far away from home the school is. As high school …
TED talks for college students
tips tools & advice

4 Great TED Talks for College Students

TED talks have become widely popular on YouTube over the past several years. The video series stems from TED, a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading ideas and sparking conversation. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design and originated from a conference held in 1984. Today, TED talks involve a speaker delivering a powerful, interesting and …
Finals week is getting closer, so here are some tips on how to survive it
student life

How to Survive Finals Week

Thanksgiving break is over which means it is time to push through the last weeks of the semester. With final projects, papers and tests, this time of year can be extremely hectic and stressful—especially as the holiday season approaches. It can be difficult to find motivation during winter finals week when all you want to …
A student lying on a lawn writing down notes on a notebook.
tips tools & advice

How to Study if You’re a Reading/Writing Learner

It’s no secret that everybody learns and absorbs information differently. Our brains are all different and operate in unique ways. So why should we all try and use the same studying techniques? There are four main types of learners: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic, broken down further into seven reading/writing learning styles. No one type …
Here's how to become a teaching assistant
student life

So You Want To Be a Teaching Assistant?

A large number of students attending college are looking for ways to improve themselves and also take on responsibility outside of their schoolwork. For high achieving individuals with a love for their field of study, becoming a teaching assistant is a great option. Especially for those who plan to become professors or teachers in the …
The pros and cons of graduating college early
tips tools & advice

Pros and Cons of Graduating College Early

Typically, when one says they are graduating college early they receive mixed reactions of optimism and pessimism from others. On one hand, people are excited for you and impressed that you were able to graduate in under four years. On the other hand, people may advise you against it, telling you to stay in school …
A student's hand holding a game controller.
college comparisons

5 of the Best Colleges for Gamers

Finding a community of people who share your interests can make the difference between an average and an exceptional college experience. Those who have grown up with a passion for gaming whether it be playing, designing or developing games, consider themselves a part of a virtual community. If you identify as a gamer and want …
These educational YouTube channels are great for learning about new topics in an interesting way.
tips tools & advice

4 Educational YouTube Channels

Today, there are a lot of different ways to educate yourself and gather information both formally and informally. Whether it be through personal experience, doing your own research, or taking a formal class, there is a myriad of tools and resources to learn new things and get the information you need. If you’re looking for …

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