Rose Scott

What is a college writing center and how do students benefit from it?
questions & answers

What are College Writing Centers?

If you think that college writing centers are only for those who dream of becoming the next romantic William Shakespeare or horrifying Stephen King, you are on the wrong track. A college student’s journey entails a lot of writing tasks, whether it is a lab report, research paper, or essay. Having a friend or classmate …
Here are some ways an introvert in college can make friends
student life

Are You an Introvert? Ways to Make Friends in College

As an introvert in college, some of my teachers strongly recommended me to acquire extroverted characteristics so that I could more easily make friends and land jobs. Did I follow it? Well, frankly speaking, I made a few attempts, but most of them were doomed to fail and you know why? I was, and I …
Writing a paper can be difficult, but here are some ways to make writing a paper easier.
tips tools & advice

Tips on How to Write an Academic Paper Easier

It is always hard to make yourself work, even when you are pressed for time and have tight deadlines. Writing an academic paper is a bit complicated, but we’ve come up with some tips that will make it writing a paper easier. Focus and Brainstorm Block yourself from anything that distracts your attention—like social media, e-mails, …
Write a college-worthy high school essay.
tips tools & advice

How to Write a College-Worthy Essay in High School

Sometimes to write on a topic is difficult, especially for those who are better at logical thinking and are not super creative. Then another writing assignment becomes a burden. To elicit at least some ideas out of your head, you can brainstorm and draw a tree of ideas on a piece of paper. But what …
How to deal with helicopter parents in college
tips tools & advice

How to Deal with Over-Involved Parents at College

When I was a student, I had a friend whose mom was “a helicopter parent” taking extreme care of her offspring. To what extent? Well, she helped her student with accomplishing 80 percent of college assignments, had constant cell phone monitoring, and got in touch with teachers whenever the kid got a low grade. Did this over-protection …
My dog at my homework is one of many poor excuses
tips tools & advice

Don’t Even Try It: Excuses Your Teachers Have Already Heard

“My dog ate my homework” just doesn’t work like it used to. If educators were asked to write down every student’s poor excuses to explain why an assignment hadn’t been accomplished, it would definitely be a bestseller series of one hundred fantasy books able to compete even with our beloved Harry Potter novels. It seems …
A teacher and student need to communicate with each other.
tips tools & advice

Why Teacher-Student Communication is So Important

Teaching is not just about student supervision and inventing complex multiple-choice tests. It expands its reach far beyond that. The key idea behind educating students is to grow an intelligent and healthy community. To attain the goal, an educator needs to set priorities right and develop teaching methods and approaches based on them. As our …
Here are some common writing mistakes students make
tips tools & advice

Common Writing Mistakes Made by College Students

Time flies but the common writing mistakes students tend to make in their essays are still the same. Have you ever imagined that your thoughtful essay may turn to be graded as a poor one, because of some mistakes you failed to notice? Just fancy, you are writing about some serious issues like environmental pollution …