How to Write a College-Worthy Essay in High School

Write a college-worthy high school essay.

Flickr user David Francis

Sometimes to write on a topic is difficult, especially for those who are better at logical thinking and are not super creative. Then another writing assignment becomes a burden. To elicit at least some ideas out of your head, you can brainstorm and draw a tree of ideas on a piece of paper.

But what can you do to impress a teacher with your writing? Here are some tips on writing a high school essay.

Choose a Topic

Before choosing a proper topic for your essay, think over what you are going to write about depending on a type of essay: persuasive, analytical, expository or argumentative. Start early and jot down what you already know regarding the topic, then you will have time to edit, add more information, if you need to, and finish your essay on time. Research the information you need, and pick up the facts or ideas being the most suitable for the type of your essay.

Essential Parts of the High School Essay

You should divide your essay into three main paragraphs: an introduction, body, and conclusion. Provide a brief overview of the topic in the introduction. Here, you also mention the statement that you are going to develop through the entire essay. The essay body is the main part where you give some facts and arguments. The conclusion is where you should sum up what has been written so far and say clearly what point of view you support or why the statement you cited at the beginning is true or false. Do not forget to start a new paragraph every time you want to write about a new idea.

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Create Your Style

Choose your writing style carefully. You may write something funny, but do not overdose. The writing style should be based on the facts and statements that are well-grounded. You may include some quotes into your writing, but don’t forget to give a proper reference, otherwise, you may be accused of plagiarism. Adhere to the writing style of the essay type you are going to write. Persuasive style means you should express your opinion and justify it by citing some data or facts, whereas expository essay style is about an absolutely different thing – a naked outline of facts. The writer should provide a more detailed insight on a subject matter.

Make a Coherent Transition

It is always difficult to link two different things and make a smooth transition from one part to another one, yet it is highly important to make your content readable and avoid having abrupt endings and beginnings. There are some words and phrases that may help you, such as ultimately, however, thus, in addition. Write the sentences that will give a smooth shift-over from the introduction to the body and from the body to the conclusion.

Proofread and Edit

When you write you are more focused on expressing your thoughts than on spelling or grammar. To proofread is highly important. There may also be some typos that can make your grade lower than you deserve. You may also give your essay to your friends and let them read it and share their feedback with you.

Bottom Line

Do not panic every time you have to write an essay. You need to have at least some ideas, some reliable sources of information, unique style and zero mistakes and typos, and voila a recipe of your perfect essay is ready!

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