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Here are some ways you can make friends in college
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7 Easiest Ways to Make Friends on Campus

Graduating from high school and moving away to college means you’re leaving home, but your childhood bedroom isn’t the only thing you’re leaving behind. In many cases, it also means that you’re saying goodbye to your friends and the high school you. College is a fresh start. Perhaps you’ve been waiting for this for a …
Wellness dorms promote positivity
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What Are “Wellness Dorms”? They’re AWESOME.

You’ve decided on a college–or you’re close to it– and the next big decision you have to make is where you’re going to live. There are multiple different styles of living on most campuses, and the thought of making such a big decision when you haven’t had much choice about your living arrangements in the …
Students set up a party in LLCs
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Living Learning Communities (LLCs): What are they?

You’ve chosen the college, now it’s time to choose where to live. In my experience, choosing the right dorm or being paired with a good roommate can have just as great of an impact on your mood/happiness/level of satisfaction (if not greater) than the actual school you attend. When I was a freshman in college, …
The University of Maryland is putting health and wellness first.
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11 Colleges Putting Health & Wellness First

The dreaded freshman 15 has been around since before college was even a thought in most of our minds. There have been countless articles written about everything from how to avoid it, to how to get rid of it. But there are some schools are doing more than just offering more fruits and veggies in …
So many things happen during your freshman year, but what's a myth and what actually happens?
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10 Myths About Freshman Year of College

We have a few myths to cover. Ten, in fact. Starting with how your move-in day is supposed to go and your potential relationship with your roommate. Next, is it actually fine to skip class and party all the time? Then, the dreaded freshman 15, and whether that’s seriously a thing or not. Following that, …
A black and white photo of a skeleton.
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13 of The Weirdest College Traditions

There are strange things happening at college campuses across the country. Students are nailing their shoes to trees, howling at the moon, and kissing statue’s bums with no one giving these weird pastimes a second thought. From the outside looking in, there is no way to explain these odd acts. But, college traditions are a …
Here are the 10 best college music festivals.
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10 Best College Music Festivals

One of the most amazing aspects of going to college is the availability of new experiences for students. Through on-campus organizations, leadership opportunities, classwork, and events, colleges aim to help broaden students’ horizons. Many colleges across the country throw festivals as a way to celebrate all of the hard work that their students do.  Over …
Part of college admission is meeting the faculty and developing relationships with your advisors.
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College Admission and Survival Advice from 5 Counseling Experts

There’s a lot of great college advice out there, but sometimes it can be a little scattered. So we went straight to one of the best sources for tips, tricks, and information about college admission and campus life — counseling experts. There are two types of college counselors. The first type helps high school students …

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