Kaeli Nieves-Whitmore

How do LGBTQ students find the right colleges
tips tools & advice

Choosing a College as an LGBTQ Student

Applying to college is a daunting time in any student’s life. There are tons of questions to answer, big decisions to make, and an amazing amount of pressure to get into the “right” school. But, for LGBTQ students, there are even more things to consider, and often more pressure to find a school that works …
Wellness dorms promote positivity
student life

What Are “Wellness Dorms”? They’re AWESOME.

You’ve decided on a college–or you’re close to it– and the next big decision you have to make is where you’re going to live. There are multiple different styles of living on most campuses, and the thought of making such a big decision when you haven’t had much choice about your living arrangements in the …
A student sitting on a staircase with a backpack next to them.

7 Scholarships for Legacy Students

In 1972, The Godfather was released to theaters to widespread acclaim. Among the numerous shoot-em-up scenes, intense and expressive acting, and quotable lines, audiences the world over appreciated the subtext of the film. In an opening scene, the leader of an Italian organized crime family, Don Vito Corleone questions his godson, asking him if he …
Here's how to balance your online BBA program and life.
online colleges

Strategies for Balancing Your Online BBA & Your Life

As a non-traditional student, I know how intimidating the thought of going back to–or starting–school can be after you’ve been away from academia for a while. But, there are tons of reasons to head back into the classroom–online or in the traditional setting–and get your BBA degree. Once the decision is made, it’s time to …

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