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Your 3 City Guide to CollegeFest

Does your city have a CollegeFest? Three major cities – Rochester, NY, Philadelphia, PA, and Boston, MA – have their own CollegeFests available for their students, but each one is very different! We outlined what you can expect at these events and why you should definitely plan to go to your city’s CollegeFest this year. …
college search

Colleges in Alaska and Why You Should Go to School There

Alaska may not be on your radar just yet when it comes to searching for colleges, but it should be – especially if you enjoy the outdoors and don’t mind the cold! This unique state has plenty to offer adventurous students, and by attending a school in one of the state’s cities, like Anchorage, you …
college search

Why Alabama is a Great Place to go to College

Whether your home state is Alabama or you’re thinking about moving there for college, the state has plenty to offer its students! From amazing schools to unique educational opportunities to great beaches, you’ll be able to get an outstanding education while you have the opportunity to enjoy everything the state has to offer. Below, we’ve …
college search, questions & answers

What is Competency-Based Education (CBE)?

A college education is a privilege that many students hope to experience during their academic journey. However, the traditional learning style of college doesn’t work for everyone and can discourage some from pursuing higher education and their dream careers. So, what can someone do if they desire a college education but need a different approach?  …
Austin Community College
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Do Community Colleges Have Dorms?

A majority of community colleges do not have dorms available to their students. While there are definitely exceptions, they are rare. Most 4-year colleges and universities offer some sort of student housing. Here’s a deeper dive into why community colleges don’t tend to have dorms, plus a rundown of your other options if you need …
college search, questions & answers

A Quick Guide to MicroMasters Programs

If you’re thinking about continuing your education and going after a Master’s, it may be worth your time (and money) to consider a MicroMasters Program instead. Here’s everything you need to know about these programs, how you can find them, and other must-know details. What is a MicroMasters Program? A MicroMasters program is a program …
Colleges for nontraditional students.
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Great Colleges for Nontraditional Students

Are you planning on going back to college well after you graduated high school? It’s never too late! There are plenty of amazing colleges for nontraditional students out there. We cover some things you need to know about going to college as an older student and a few of the best colleges for nontraditional students …

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