All Majors & Industries Articles

A man lying in the hospital bed, a smiling practice nurse and a woman sitting on the chair with them.
majors & industries

3 Fields of Study That are Worth the Price of Admission

Choosing to pursue a college degree is a life-altering decision for several reasons. First and foremost, it means that you’ll be committing a significant amount of time to a particular subject, usually in the hopes of building a career in a specific field. Second, but no less important, is the fact that you’ll be spending …
6 college major become writer
majors & industries

6 College Majors to Consider If You Want to Become a Writer

If you’ve decided that you want to become a writer after graduating from college, you might be wondering which major will best prepare you for this interesting and challenging job. The following list will help you identify 6 different college majors that an aspiring writer will want to consider: Journalism A journalism major is useful …
Are you a business-minded student?
majors & industries

Top Degree Options for Business-Minded Students

When you’re at college, you’re often still figuring out exactly what it is you want to do during your career. Plus, these days it’s very common for people to have numerous paths during the length of their career. If you’re someone who has always been business-minded and if you are thinking of one day running …
A man with a whiteboard on his behind talking to his two colleagues.
majors & industries

5 Non-Medical Careers in Healthcare

Healthcare has long been one of the fastest-growing industries in the nation. This year, for the first time in history, the health sector has surpassed manufacturing and retail to become the largest source of jobs in the United States. Naturally, this is a draw for many college-age students who are seeking to find lucrative employment …
Teaching is one of the careers biology majors can pursue.
majors & industries

Potential Careers For Biology Majors

Do you love studying the inner workings of plants as well as animals? Interested in how the environment impacts these living things, as well as how they impact the environment? If you are, a biology-related career may be well suited to your areas of interest. We’ve put together a few potential careers for biology majors, …
These are a few potential careers for marketing majors.
majors & industries

Potential Career Paths For Marketing Majors

Marketing majors have always been in great demand across multiple industries. That demand has grown exponentially in today’s ever-evolving marketing landscape. Professionals must have the skills to integrate proven traditional techniques with modern marketing strategies. Understanding how to harness online social media is a must for today’s marketing majors. So what are the potential careers …
A woman sitting on a desk while looking at her notes and a man standing behind her discussing something.
majors & industries

10 Awesome Art Careers for Art Majors

It’s no secret that art majors often have to defend their degree. Sometimes it’s your parents, but other times it can be a total stranger questioning your education choices. However, no matter what they think, there are plenty of well-paying careers for art majors out there! Here’s just the tip of the iceberg and some …

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