All Majors & Industries Articles

We put together a list of 6 of the most popular undergraduate majors.
majors & industries

The 10 Most Popular Undergraduate Majors

Selecting a major or field of study to pursue is a big part of college life. After all, it could very well dictate the career you pursue after graduation! It’s something that deserves plenty of thought. Some students know exactly what they want to study even before they apply to college. However, others may decide …
Silver balance scale.
majors & industries

The Pros and Cons of Being a Double Major

If a student is a double major, they pursue two different fields of study and complete two sets of requirements before graduation. It can be a great way to bolster one field with another—say, Business with a double major in Marketing, for example—or earn a degree in two entirely different fields that the student is …
Blue and beige color pencils laying parallel to each other.
majors & industries

The Difference between Liberal Arts and the Humanities

There is a bit of confusion when it comes to Liberal Arts and the Humanities. Sometimes they are used interchangeably, but that has led to misunderstanding and poor representation of what they are. So we’re going to break down the differences between these two types of study. The Humanities First off, the Humanities are a …
Kids gather around the big color wheel fabric and holding it.
majors & industries

Careers with the Highest Job Openings

You’re in the thick of your college search and trying to find the best college match for you. There are so many criteria to evaluate when you choose a college. The size of the campus and surrounding community, the net price to attend, acceptance odds, and what you want to study. The last one is …
Highest paid jobs - legal
majors & industries

College Majors for the Highest Paid Jobs by Industry

There are plenty of factors that should play a role in your major and jobs/career choice. While choosing one of the highest paying college majors might be your first choice, you’ll also want to consider life balance and your passions. If you’re considering any of these majors, you may want to consider one of the …

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