All Majors & Industries Articles

liberal arts students standing around a desk looking at a computer for a project
majors & industries

What Can You Do With a Liberal Arts Degree?

You may hear the rumor that a liberal arts degree won’t help you find a job, but that’s simply not the case. There are plenty of jobs you can do with this type of degree, and earn good money too! Here are some great examples of things you can do with a liberal arts degree! …
Computer scientist thinking about a problem while working on her blue laptop.
majors & industries

13 Compelling Computer Science Careers To Consider

Computer science careers are tremendously diverse, opening up numerous opportunities for individuals with varying skills and preferences. Some people get into the field because they love technology and want to work with computer hardware, computer repairs, or internet security. Others are more interested in the creative fields of coding, game design, and computer-generated graphic arts …
The Parthenon temple at the Acropolis in Greece
majors & industries

A Few Interesting Jobs for a History Major

Another major that gets a lot of flack for “lack of job opportunities” is History. Many people believe there is very little you can do with a bachelor’s degree or higher in History, but that’s simply not true. Check out some of these great jobs a history major! Lawyer Did you know that many history …
Bookshelf with text: good jobs for English majors
majors & industries

What are Some Good Jobs for English Majors?

Are you an English major? You may have heard the occasional comment or joke about what you’re going to do with that major after you graduate. Truth is, there’s plenty to do with that degree! I was actually an English major myself! So here are some examples of good jobs for English majors out there. …
A project manager
majors & industries

Four Industries With High Demand For Project Managers

Not everyone in the world is a natural leader. For those that are, however, finding a career that allows them to build teams and work with others to achieve success can be an excellent use of their talents. The good news is that there’s a field that suits such individuals perfectly: project management. Project managers …