All Scholarships Articles

It's a myth that only top athletes and 4.0 students get scholarships
myths, scholarships

Highest NIL Earners: Students with Successful Deals

Top athletes and 4.0 students aren’t the only ones who can get scholarships and other perks. With college athletes finally having a say over their name, image, likeness (NIL) and being able to earn money, there have been several huge deals and partnerships. Here are just some of the highest NIL earners—students who are profiting …
flexible jobs for college students.
questions & answers, scholarships

9 Flexible Jobs for College Students

Making money in college is a must for many students – it’s necessary to afford tuition, fees, food, books, and every other cost that comes with higher education. And even if your tuition is already covered, a job during school could help you save up for fun, or for the future. However, finding jobs with …
People negotiating.

How To Negotiate Scholarships

For many of you, you are already starting to receive college acceptance letters and scholarship offers. Some schools will offer you more money than others, that is a given. But what many people don’t know is that there is the possibility and opportunity that you can actually negotiate scholarships with colleges.  Can You Really Negotiate …
Minecraft scholarship.

A Creative Guide to The Minecraft Scholarship

There really is a scholarship for everything! If you enjoy video games or even play Minecraft, the Minecraft Scholarship might be right up your alley. Here’s what you need to know about the award, how to apply, and some more tips for finding scholarships that will help you pay for college. What is the Minecraft …
Scholarships for undocumented students.

Scholarships For Undocumented Students

Undocumented students have access to relatively limited financial aid. They are not eligible for any type of federal student aid, which requires applicants to be US citizens or permanent residents. Only a few states allow undocumented students to benefit from lower in-state tuition rates or any type of state aid. But that doesn’t mean undocumented …
Use Google Scholar to help you with your research papers
financial aid, scholarships

Who Offers College Grants?

Did you know that scholarships and grants aren’t only available from community organizations and the government? So, who offers college grants? Many companies, including Google, Coca-Cola, and Microsoft offer grants and scholarships to students, too – and you don’t necessarily have to be an employee! Here are just a few organizations that offer awards you …
A light bulb drawn on a board with scribbles on a wall behind it.

The Gates Scholarship

On the lookout for scholarships? If you’re a minority, you’ll definitely want to look into the The Gates Scholarship. Here’s what you need to know about its history, how you can apply, and more. What is The Gates Scholarship? The Gates Scholarship is a “highly selective, last-dollar scholarship for outstanding, minority, high school seniors from …

When to Start Looking for Scholarships

When to start looking for scholarships? The short answer is: whenever you can! A common myth is that only high school seniors can or need to apply for scholarships. However, not only are scholarships available to all high school grade students, but they are for all college students too! There are billions of dollars in …

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