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Here are 6 reasons for job change or moving on from your current job.
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6 Signs That It’s Time To Move On From Your Job

Before joining the College Raptor team, I was taking a break from school and working for a local small business. I had worked there part-time for years. When I decided that I needed to take some time off of school, I started working there full time. Everything was wonderful for a while, and I learned …
Here are a few tips for students to balance their life and MBA.
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4 Strategies For Balancing Your Online MBA & Your Life

One of the biggest problems online graduate students run into when pursuing an online MBA is balancing their academic schedule with their personal life. Since many students forego the traditional route of business school in favor of the more flexible online experience, the option of setting their own schedule is obviously one of the more …
Our schools need more counselors, which is why you should consider online school counselor degrees.
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Online M.Ed. or M.A. School Counseling Degrees

Our students need school counselors, it’s that simple. There is no “typical” day in the life of a school counselor–every day is different. What you will spend the majority of your time doing depends on what level you’re in. For example, elementary school counselors will spend a lot of time doing classroom guidance, whereas a high …
Here are six things you can do with a business degree
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6 Things You Can Do With A Business Degree

Congratulations! After a lot of consideration, you’ve decided to go to college as a business major. When you get your degree, here are some questions you’re probably thinking about: Can you actually start your own business? Is consultation a viable route? How does research play into business? Is administration work fine? Should you take the …
What are some jobs for teachers other than teaching?
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Alternative Jobs for a Master’s of Education Graduate

Before pursuing a graduate degree, prospective students face several questions. That includes internal, rhetorical or outside questions. Is this degree worth the money? What can be done with it? Is this a practical field to spend this much money and time getting in to? Of course, the answers to these questions are heavily dependent on …
Are all M Ed programs made the same or do they differ among each other?
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Are All M.Ed. Programs Created Equal?

Are all Master’s in Education programs the same? In short–M Ed programs are absolutely not the same. The good news is, you already have a Bachelor’s degree, so you’re a smart cookie. Just remember to take the time to look into a program before writing a check for $5,000 to $15,000. So when you’re considering …

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