All Online Colleges Articles

What's the difference between a master of arts in teaching and a master of education
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M.Ed Degree vs. MAT Degree: What’s the Difference?

If you’re a teacher considering getting a Master’s Degree (and you probably should be–there are a lot of reasons to look into it) then you’ve likely realized that there are a number of directions you can take. One of the biggest decisions is whether to pursue a Master of Education (M.Ed) or a Master of …
Here are a few reasons to get your MAT degree online.
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3 Reasons to Get Your Master of Art Degree in Teaching (MAT Degree) Online

For years, many have wondered if graduate school is “worth it”. The additional years of schooling while peers are already out in the so-called “real world”, the hefty price tag, and the grueling certification tests make even the most ambitious of graduate students question their decision. However, ultimately, there is no question that a graduate …
What can you expect from an online business program?
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What To Expect From Online Business Degree Programs (BBA)

The popularity of online degree programs has been growing steadily over the past few years. After the pandemic, that trend has skyrocketed with more students than ever before enrolling in online programs. One of the most popular programs for online students has consistently been a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). With so many different areas of …
How do you choose an online MAT or M.Ed. program?
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How To Choose An Online M.Ed. or MAT Program

Congratulations! You’re considering going back to school to get your online M.Ed. (Master of Education) or your online MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching). Whether you’ve been out of school for one year or 20, there is no better time than now to be going back and continuing your education. For most teachers, a master’s …
Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. Should you get your MEd master of education?
online colleges

5 Benefits of Getting Your Master’s of Education (M.Ed.)

If you’re a teacher you know that continuing your education is not only required, but it’s also the best way to stay up to date on new trends and standards in our schools. Of course, there are benefits to getting your MEd (Master of Education). You also know that obtaining Continuing Education Units (CEUs) not …
Here are a few signs that it's time to get your MBA degree.
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4 Ways To Know It’s Time To Get Your MBA

Once upon a time, you graduated from college, got a job and an apartment, and everything was falling into place. You met someone to share your life with (be that a significant other or a best friend). You got settled into the crazy ride of adulthood. Then, one day, as you picked up your Starbucks …
Don't be afraid to go back to school for a master's of education.
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5 Unspoken Reasons to get your Master’s of Education

If you’re a teacher, you’ve already spent at least 17 years of your life as a student. You work in a school every day, even during parts of your breaks. That’s a lot of classroom time. So why would you want to go back to school for your Master’s of Education? 1. The networking Going back …
Working in customer service which means meeting some not so happy people
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9 People You Meet Working in Customer Service

Working in customer service means you’ll end up meeting a lot of people, including ones who aren’t very nice. Here are 9 kinds of people you will meet while working in customer service: 1. The person who swears they “didn’t break it” or “didn’t use it” Right, it came that way…and that’s definitely not duct …
Here's how to go back to school.
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5 Strategies For Going Back To School

Making the decision to return to school after taking time off–whether it was for a single semester or a decade–can be difficult. You’re bound to be out of practice when it comes to studying. It is all too easy to psych yourself out when it comes to thinking about the amount of work you’ll have …