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Pulling an all-nighter isn't ideal, but if you have to, here are some tips on how to make it more effective
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8 Tips to Make Your All-Nighter More Effective

There are many times in your college career when an all-nighter is necessary, whether you’re cramming for a test or finally getting around to writing that term paper. In fact, 99 percent of students admit to cramming, according to BBC. While an all-night study session is not the most effective way to learn, there are …
Boost your productivity with these tools.
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Tools to Stay on Top of Your Productivity in College

Working toward a degree is one of the most difficult feats you’ll surmount in your lifetime. You need to learn, not only what’s in your books, but also how to manage your time, structure your life and coursework, and remember to breathe amidst the chaos. These tools will help you stay at the top of …
A kinesthetic learner learns best with a hands-on approach.
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How to Study if You’re a Physical Learner

Physical learners do best when they have a hands-on approach to learning. In grade school, they were the ones who probably found the attachable blocks most useful when learning addition and subtraction, or the students who remembered things from field trips and lab experiments the best. A physical learner —also called a kinesthetic learner because …
TED talks for college students
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4 Great TED Talks for College Students

TED talks have become widely popular on YouTube over the past several years. The video series stems from TED, a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading ideas and sparking conversation. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design and originated from a conference held in 1984. Today, TED talks involve a speaker delivering a powerful, interesting and …
Four books held together with a pair of headphones.
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How To Study if You’re an Auditory Learner

There are five main types of learning styles, each with specific traits and preferences for learning. Auditory learners pick up information best when they are hearing the material, or through speaking it aloud themselves and hearing it that way. Auditory learners may be especially skilled at perceiving tone and getting a good feeling of one’s …
Here's how to start your dissertation
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How to Start a Dissertation: New Answers to Old Problems

This article doesn’t give technical guidelines for starting your dissertation. You will not find an explanation of how to complete your research methodology selection or your dissertation structure because your college or university will have the technical aspects covered in their approved guidelines. Instead, this article offers tips, solutions and advice to help you get …
So you want to be a research assistant
student life

So You Want to be a Research Assistant?

Depending on your field, research might be an integral part of your post-undergraduate life. Even if you don’t intend to go into research, it is often beneficial to be a research assistant. Doing so can increase your understanding of certain concepts being explored in your field. Participating in research can help to clarify the process, …
Besides studying for a test, here are a few test-taking hacks to help you boost your performance on test day.
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The Ultimate Guide to Test-Taking Hacks

Whether you’re in high school or college, you’ll likely be taking a lot of tests during your educational career. And while studying well and often is definitely the best advice for how to perform well on a test, there are also some smaller, helpful bits of test-taking wisdom to keep in mind. Read on to …
The transition from high school to college is easy for some and difficult for others.
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Top 10 List: A Smoother Transition from High School to College

The transition from high school to college can be a very easy one for some and an immense challenge for others. There is no wrong or right way to transition to college because everyone has different academic and personal experiences prior to entering a college or university. As you think about this exciting new opportunity …
Draw pictures or doodles if you're a visual learner.
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How to Study if You’re a Visual Learner

Visual learners are those who really need to see things laid out in order to learn from them. Charts and graphs are examples of these; whereas a verbal learner can pick up on the same information just by reading/hearing about it, visual learners do better seeing the information in a way that involves seeing it …

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