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Here are eight ways to decide which language to learn
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8 Ways to Decide Which Language You Should Learn

Whether you want to study abroad senior year or are majoring in international business, everyone can benefit from a little foreign language experience. In fact, for most undergraduate degrees, a few semesters of a foreign language are actually required. Which language you choose to learn could help your career as a young adult. The best …
College Raptor Rankings star badge that says "Top 25 Best Public Colleges 2017".
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Top 25 Best Public Colleges

Public colleges and universities are abound in the United States. They receive funding from the government, and every state has at least one public school. Although there are many wonderful schools in the country, we’ve put together a list of the top 25 public colleges from around the United States. 25. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and …
Writing a paper can be difficult, but here are some ways to make writing a paper easier.
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Tips on How to Write an Academic Paper Easier

It is always hard to make yourself work, even when you are pressed for time and have tight deadlines. Writing an academic paper is a bit complicated, but we’ve come up with some tips that will make it writing a paper easier. Focus and Brainstorm Block yourself from anything that distracts your attention—like social media, e-mails, …
College Raptor Rankings star badge that says "Top 25 Best Private Colleges 2017".
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Top 25 Best Private Colleges: 2017 Rankings

Unlike public colleges—which are funded by local and state governments—private colleges and universities are funded by private sources—like tuition and fees. Many assume that private colleges are too expensive; however, students who attend private colleges rarely pay the entirety of the “sticker price”, instead, they have significant financial aid pay for a good portion of …
Academic misconduct covers more than just plagiarism.
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What is Academic Misconduct?

Some people hear the term “academic misconduct” and instantly think of plagiarism. But the truth is, the concept is much wider than just that. We are committing academic misconduct by doing things like cheating on homework, damaging the school’s property, or altering university documents. Plagiarism Plagiarism is taking someone else’s ideas and making them look …
A white and beige clock with text to the left that says "the importance of office hours."
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The Importance of Office Hours: Why You Should Go

Imagine it’s syllabus week. Your professors are spending the first day of class going over the schedule for the semester (subject to change). They outline expectations for you. They tell you when the exams will be and talk about the importance of doing the readings and coming to lecture. They’ve also mentioned what times they …
College Raptor Rankings star badge that says "Top 25 Best Large Colleges 2017".
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Top 25 Best Large Colleges: 2017 Rankings

These colleges are large and in charge. Definitions of “large” colleges might change depending on who you ask, but for the purposes of this list, we’re considering any school that has 10,000 or more undergraduate students. (Note: “student enrollment” within these summaries includes both undergraduate and graduate students). Check out College Raptor’s list for the …

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