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Ways for College Students to Manage Stress and Anxiety

According to the National College Health Assessment, 34.2% of college students reported stress affecting their academic performance and 27.8% of college students reported anxiety affecting their academic performance. Stress and anxiety in students are not uncommon during their college experience. Going to college can be exciting, but it can also cause financial worries, emotional problems, …
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Tips for Surviving Your First Semester of Grad School

Congratulations! You’ve graduated with your undergraduate degree and now you’re pursuing higher education. Your first semester of grad school can seem intimidating, especially if you decided to go to a different school than your undergraduate degree. Those first-day jitters when you’re older feel much heavier, and imposter syndrome can really start to settle in. But …
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How to Set and Meet Realistic Educational Goals

If you look at all successful college students, you’ll see one thing in common. They have educational SMART goals! Setting realistic goals while you’re in college will help you stay on track and help you reach career goals after you graduate! Here are some realistic and effective goals for students to improve their academic skills …
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30 Motivational Quotes for College Students

Are you feeling down while you’re in college? Don’t worry, you’re not alone and we have all been there. Whether you’ve failed a class, didn’t do well on your test, or just missed home, it can be difficult to have extra motivation throughout the semester. Here are some of our favorite motivational and inspiring quotes …
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What is the Difference Between Fall and Spring Semester?

When looking at a college calendar, you likely will notice that they have Fall Semester and Spring Semester start and end dates. But what are the differences between these two periods of time, and how does it affect your college education? We’ll run through the differences between the fall and spring semesters so you can …
There are a few ways to save money on college textbooks
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10 Places Where to Sell Used Textbooks

You did it! You have finally made it to the end of the semester and it’s time to purge all your unwanted things from your courses. After spending hundreds of dollars on textbooks for this semester, don’t just throw away that money! Did you know you could sell your used textbooks to make some of …

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