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A "university" sign on the side of a building.
questions & answers

What is a Flagship University?

Every country has multiple universities, especially the United States, which counts with 4,726 post-secondary institutions. But still, every time someone asks about U.S universities, people tend to answer giving the same names: the University of California, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Texas. These universities and many others are constantly named because of …
The Space Grant Program was created by NASA.
questions & answers

What is a Space Grant College?

The National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program was created by NASA in 1989. It is now referred to as the Space Grant. It is a national network of colleges and universities aimed at promoting space projects through engineering education, research, and public outreach events. There are 850 affiliates including schools, museums, science centers, and …
How does a lecture class relate to a discussion class?
questions & answers

How are College Discussion and Lecture Classes Related?

You may have questions about lecture and discussion classes in college. When I was registering for my very first college schedule, I would add a discussion class section and automatically another class populated onto my schedule. I was confused at first, why do I have an extra 3-5 hours of class a week? That doesn’t …
Land-grant colleges focus on agricultural studies.
questions & answers

What is a Land-Grant College?

All the way back in the 1850s, there was a growing need for agricultural-based colleges. There was a political movement in which the government would essentially donate land to each state in order to have an agricultural college established there. However, the bill went through several reforms and was even vetoed by President James Buchanan. …
Does class size matter?
questions & answers

Does the Size of a Class in College Matter?

A large deciding factor for many students when choosing a college is size. Do they want to go to a small or big school? As a student, you find your perfect college match in terms of the community it is located, a top-ranked program for the major you choose, a generous financial aid package, but …
There are multiple different types of schools.
questions & answers

What are the Differences Between Various Types of Schools?

“College” is pretty much a catch-all umbrella term for schools that offer higher education. Sometimes people interchange “college” with “university.” There is a multitude of specifications about schools–are they public or private? Are the non-profit or for-profit? Eventually, the school can rack up a long list of descriptors that all have an impact on what …
This installment of #CollegeAnswered tackles a number of questions from our community.
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#CollegeAnswered Q&A – October 21, 2015

In the first installment of our #CollegeAnswered Q&A series, I’ll be answering questions on a range of topics related to financial aid, college costs, and identifying college options. All of these questions were submitted by students and parents either via, Facebook, Twitter, or email. If you have a question you’d like me to answer, …
Two college counselors sitting together on their laptops.
questions & answers

Should I Hire an Independent College Counselor?

Which came first the chicken or the egg? Is world peace possible? What is the meaning of life? While the question about hiring a college counselor is not nearly this philosophical, it can often garner just as much heated debate, and like the philosophical questions listed above, there really is not a right or wrong …

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