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Georgetown University's main campus.
college comparisons

The 25 Best Medium-Sized Universities in the US 2016

Somewhere between the huge classes found at large colleges and the intimate, sometimes-quaint feeling of a small college, there are the schools that offer a bit of both worlds. Many students seek out medium-sized colleges as a way to feel like they’re moving on from high school, without feeling totally overwhelmed by a 40,000 person …
There are some soundtracks that are designed to have a positive affect on your brain. You can find them on Spotify
tips tools & advice

How Your Spotify Playlist Can Help You Ace Your Next Test

A student’s backpack generally includes things like highlighters, pens, books, paper, a laptop, a water bottle, snacks of some kind, and their headphones. These things are all supposed to help create an environment to maximize memorization and concentration. Clearly things like paper, pens and a laptop are necessities for studying. Even snacks and water are …
Cornell University campus building on a sunny day.
affordability & college cost

These 10 “Expensive” Colleges Have Free College Tuition or Full-Ride Scholarships for Middle-Class Families

When many families think of college, they think “expensive”. With rising price tags on many schools now easily exceeding $60,000 per year, it’s no wonder that many students and parents are worried about how they will possibly afford the cost of college. If you’ve done your homework, then you will know that many colleges–especially the most …
A black and white photo of a skeleton.
student life

13 of The Weirdest College Traditions

There are strange things happening at college campuses across the country. Students are nailing their shoes to trees, howling at the moon, and kissing statue’s bums with no one giving these weird pastimes a second thought. From the outside looking in, there is no way to explain these odd acts. But, college traditions are a …
Here are the 10 best college music festivals.
student life

10 Best College Music Festivals

One of the most amazing aspects of going to college is the availability of new experiences for students. Through on-campus organizations, leadership opportunities, classwork, and events, colleges aim to help broaden students’ horizons. Many colleges across the country throw festivals as a way to celebrate all of the hard work that their students do.  Over …
Close-up shot of a Blue Nintendo N64 Controller.
tips tools & advice

Science Says Playing Video Games Can Make You Smarter

Take a second and list all of the stereotypes you can think of relating to video games. You probably came up with some like gamers are lazy and anti-social or gamers are bad at school. We’ve all heard the negative stigma associated with digital gameplay—true or untrue—but what about the positives? How can video games …
5 study hacks proven by science and how they work
tips tools & advice

5 Study Hacks Proven by Science (and Why They Work)

Through college, I got a lot of advice from professors and fellow students on a bunch of study hacks. Some of the study hacks I heard sounded crazy to me. Like the students who stayed up all night reading chapter after chapter in a textbook or writing papers. I like my sleep too much! Eventually, …
Ever wonder which US states students flock to go to college?
college news & trends

Map: States Where Students Move (and Leave) For College

Ever wonder which US states students flock to go to college? It’s probably not where you expect. Students aren’t all migrating to warm weather or coastal US states (although many of them do pick up students each year). Instead, Rhode Island, North Dakota, and Vermont are the states that picked up the most students, according …

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