All Paying for college Articles

Refinancing your student loans could save you a lot of money. You may be wondering when to refinance your student loans
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When to Refinance Your Student Loans: 5 Signs Now Is the Time

Many students go through similar experiences with their student loans. When you’re in college, it all seems like some sort of distant reality. You know you’re accumulating student loan debt, but you haven’t considered how much you’ll ultimately owe, or what the payments will look like. Understandably so, because school is your main focus. But, …
Here's our guide to refinancing your student loans.
student loans

Student Loan Refinancing 101: 5 Steps to Start Refinancing Your Student Loans

If you’re like most students thinking about student loan refinance, then you’re probably feeling a whole lot of anxiety. You know that you could save money by refinancing (maybe?) but trying to unravel the process is like untangling your headphones after you’ve carried them around in your backpack all day. Consolidation? Refinance? Income-based repayment? What’s …
A group of graduating students.

8 College Scholarships for Black and African-American Students

College degrees have taken the place of high school diplomas when it comes to obtaining an entry-level position. With the cost of college constantly on the rise, scholarships and grants are more important than ever. Here are some great scholarships and grants offered for Black and African-American students who need help paying for college. 1. Ron …
A red heart balloon floating against a blue sky.

8 College Scholarships for High School Seniors

Senior year is the ultimate time to be searching and applying for college scholarships. While some scholarships are only for select majors, locations, colleges, or age groups, more scholarships for seniors than any other group of students. Here are eight amazing scholarships for high school seniors. Olin Teague Award Amount: $4,000 Deadline: June 30, 2022 …
Ice cream in cups, with ice cream cones next to the cups.

5 Fabulously Easy College Scholarships for All Kinds of Students

Scholarship applications and essays take a lot of time to complete. Each requires a specific set of criteria and generally requires new and original content specific to the scholarship. Applying for these scholarships can get tedious. Generally, scholarships ask for long essays. The application process also feels monotonous. However, these five fabulously easy college scholarships …
A group of students at a pride event.

7 Scholarships for LGBTQ+ Students

Scholarships are as diverse as the student body and there are several that are dedicated to LGBTQ+ students. Below, we’ve listed 7 that may be awards you qualify for and should consider applying for.  1. Collin Higgins Youth Courage Award Amount: $15,000 Deadline: TBD  Collin Higgins’s movies featured characters who always stood up to adversity …
A wooden dinosaur on top of a stack of books.

College Scholarships for High School Juniors

It’s never too early to start looking for scholarships to help cover the cost of college. The earlier you start, the more opportunities to earn some free money towards tuition, books, and other college costs. And, hey, every little bit can help! Applying for college scholarships for high school juniors is a great way to …
A room full of women with their backs toward the camera.

8 College Scholarships for Women

With every passing decade, the number of women enrolled in college increases. Where women were once given the option of nursing or teaching, they are now able to choose from every major under the sun. However, as options have increased, so have tuition costs. Here are some great scholarship options for women. 1. SWE Scholarship …
A group of students laughing together.

7 College Scholarships for Hispanic and Latino Students

Finding scholarships can often feel like shopping for jeans. There are a plethora of options, but it’s hard to find the ones that work specifically for you. Additionally,  some jeans may look like the perfect choice. However, a person must do more than just look at the jeans to determine if they are the perfect …

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