All Paying for college Articles

Graphic showing difference between FAFSA and CSS.
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What’s the Difference Between the FAFSA and CSS Profile?

College is expensive, but there are ways to get free money* for tuition and related education expenses – including the CSS profile and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). While these applications have some overlap, there are some notable differences you’ll need to know before you complete them. Below, we outline what you …
If you think you won't get financial aid, you're wrong
financial aid

Commonly Asked FAFSA Questions

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), is an application that all students planning to go to college should complete. Below, we’ll do a quick review of what the FAFSA is and answer some of the more commonly asked questions. Here’s your FAFSA FAQ! What is the FAFSA? The FAFSA stands for the Free …
Harvard's net price is generally much lower than its sticker price, which means that for 90% of American families, Harvard may be more affordable than a state school -- afford colleges
questions & answers

How Do Students Afford Colleges Like Harvard or Stanford?

How Do Students Afford Colleges That Are Very Expensive? – College Raptor Q&A For the 2014-15 school year, the published costs of attendance at Harvard and Stanford are approximately $65,000 and $62,000, respectively. These numbers can easily be discouraging for those who want to afford colleges, especially for students from low-income families. Even students who …
Financial need is equal to Total Csot minus Estimated Family Contribution (EFC). How does the FAFSA work?
financial aid

Can I Get Financial Aid?

Over 80 percent of college students met some financial aid eligibility criteria and received financial assistance during the 2011-2012 school year. This means there is a good chance you can get financial aid. You may think that the only way to get financial aid is to be extremely smart or a stand-out athlete. But most …
Free College Scholarship Applications
questions & answers

How does the FAFSA Work?

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, is an application that all students planning to go to college should complete! So, how does FAFSA work? It’s designed to hand out federal student aid to students who need it most, but there are other benefits of completing the FAFSA – even if you think …
questions & answers

The Rising Cost of a College Education: What Tools Exist to Reduce Future Financial Burden?

Much has been made of late about the rising cost of higher education.  And with good reason.  Over the last three decades, college tuition has far outstripped the cost of almost every other major family expense imaginable.  While housing costs have rising over 300% during that time and health care costs — controversial and much …
student loans

Understanding College Debt Levels and Student Loan Payments

Many families get buried in huge college debt and massive monthly loan payments that they didn’t expect after graduation. Unfortunately, that can greatly impact both the student who took out loans and their family members. This applies to both the time spent in college and well into the student’s future. College Affordability One of the …

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