All Paying for college Articles

Charts showing that more than 50% of college students receive some form of gift aid, including federal and institutional grants and scholarships, to make college more in your price range

College Myth: Financial Aid is Only for Poor Students

Many students from middle class and upper middle class families assume they won’t receive any need-based financial aid. This isn’t necessarily the case. Need-based financial aid Colleges and the government decide how much need-based financial aid you’re eligible for by subtracting your expected family contribution (EFC) from your college’s cost of attendance. If there’s a …
A student filling out papers with a pen.

College Myth: I Don’t Need to Fill Out the FAFSA; I Won’t Get Financial Aid

There are students who think they’re won’t get financial aid from the federal government. Therefore, they sometimes don’t see the point in filing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). However, these students don’t realize that they may be missing out on grants and scholarships from their college. They’re even missing out on low-interest-rate …
Chart showing the distribution of student loan debt by what percentage of students have what amount of debt at graduation. College is for rich kids -- not.

College Myth: College is for Rich Kids

You’ve probably heard horror stories about students who pay $60,000 plus every year to attend college. If you’re an average middle-class college hopeful, this can be disheartening. It seems like college is for rich kids only, and not as accessible to other students. The good news is that the most-often quoted price–the sticker price–is paid …
Students think that they can never afford an Ivy League college, but they actually can

College Myth: I Could Never Afford to Pay for an Ivy League College

Most students who consider attending an Ivy League college, like Harvard and Stanford, think of them as dream schools. Even some well-qualified students shy away from applying. They think they could never afford an Ivy League college. The good news is that, for most students, Ivy League colleges and other elite, selective universities are often actually …
It's a myth that you should wait until you're accepted to apply for financial aid

College Myth: I Should Wait Until I’m Accepted to Apply for Financial Aid

Applying for financial aid can be tough. Beyond the complicated jargon and long forms, financial aid is tricky. Not only that, there’s a lot of conflicting and misguided advice. For example, most people think that they should apply for financial aid after they get accepted. However, this isn’t usually the right approach. We broke down …
Statistics showing the value of a college degree: 170% increase in wages, $1,000,000 additional lifetime income, 10 years to recoup the cost of an average undergraduate degree, 47% less likely to be unemployed. It's a myth that college isn't worth the price

College Myth: College Isn’t Worth the Price

Accounting for inflation, the annual cost of college has more than doubled since 1980. With the average cost of attendance at private colleges now at $42,419, it’s no wonder people question the investment value and think college isn’t worth the price. Not only is the cost of college rising, many students are forced to take …
Sources of student financial aid
financial aid

Where Does Financial Aid Come From?

Once you hit send on those financial aid applications, what happens next? Money doesn’t suddenly fall onto your doorstep, so where does it come from? In being a good consumer, it is good to know this information. Where do financial aid dollars come from? There are 4 primary sources of financial aid: Federal Government State Government …
how much is college
financial aid

Guide to College Financial Aid

The financial aid equation You can run but you cannot hide. It’s time to face the finances. Before you get into the details of how and when to apply, it’s important to have some basic understanding of how the system works. I promise that it’s not as gruesome as you fear. In fact, the underlying principle …
College Tuition List
financial aid

Paying for College: Grants, Scholarships and Loans

Paying for college You need to understand the difference between sticker and net price before understanding how paying for college works. The amount left after you factor in merit and talent scholarships for the college, need-based aid from the college, and any federal grants for which the student may qualify is your net price. It …