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Student frustrated with math formulas
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What is Academic Dismissal?

Academic probation is when a student receives a notice for poor academic performance and grades. If the grades are not improved, the student could face academic dismissal which means the individual is no longer considered a student at the college. Understanding what this means and how to file an appeal are essential to taking the …
There are different kinds of degrees you can get!
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How To Graduate College in 3 Years

For students on a strict budget or those who want to enter the workforce a bit faster, completing your bachelor’s degree in 3 years can be enticing. It is possible to complete your bachelor’s degree and graduate college in 3 years, but it takes solid planning and forethought. Here are some things you should consider …
View of Carleton College, a school on a trimester schedule.
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Trimester vs Semester: What’s the Difference?

‘Trimester’ vs ‘semester’ are terms that describe different teaching or curricular periods in an academic year. The semester system divides the academic calendar into two terms of 15 weeks each. The trimester system divides the academic calendar into three terms and the length varies by institution. Neither one is universally better than the other – …
federal student aid
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You Picked the Wrong College, Now What?

What to do if you picked the wrong college: Ask yourself the hard questions. Talk to your college advisor. Consider your options. Choosing a college is a major decision for several reasons. For one thing, it’s a huge investment of time and money and you want to make sure the investment is worth it. Moreover, …
Going abroad over the summer can impress college admissions and is one of many summer activities
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How To Plan for Your First College Semester of Study Abroad

What’s one thing adventurous college students set their sights on? Studying abroad. The extremely adventurous may take that one step further and take their first semester to study abroad. Studying abroad during your first semester of college can be incredibly exciting and eye-opening. But can you study abroad during your first semester of college?  Let’s …
college search, questions & answers

What is Competency-Based Education (CBE)?

A college education is a privilege that many students hope to experience during their academic journey. However, the traditional learning style of college doesn’t work for everyone and can discourage some from pursuing higher education and their dream careers. So, what can someone do if they desire a college education but need a different approach?  …
A student standing in front of a whiteboard with their back facing the camera.
questions & answers

What is the Difference Between a Major and Minor in College?

When pursuing a bachelor’s degree, you’re going to often hear the question from family members and friends, “So what are you majoring in?” Choosing a major is required at most colleges and universities across the United States (though there are exceptions). Students also might consider minors, too. But what is the difference between a major …

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