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Thanks to technology, students can opt for distance learning.
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College Trends: Distance Learning

Distance learning was already increasing in popularity before the pandemic. After the pandemic, it has become one of the fastest-growing college trends. There are several reasons for this huge surge in popularity of distance learning. But first, it helps to understand exactly what is distance learning. What Is Distance Learning? Distance learning refers to the …
Emmanuel College chapel - religious colleges
questions & answers

Do You Have to Be Religious to Attend a Religiously Affiliated School?

Contrary to what the name implies, you don’t have to be religious to attend a religiously affiliated school. Religiously affiliated schools typically have diverse student cohorts just like any other secular school. These schools accept students who are non-religious as well as students from other religions. So, what exactly is a religiously affiliated school and …
Athletes practicing for college basketball season.
questions & answers, student life

When Does College Basketball Start?

The 2022-23 college basketball season will start on November 7th. If you’re a fan and can’t wait for the season to begin, here are some things you need to know about the upcoming year! When Does the College Basketball Season Start? The upcoming men’s college basketball regular season will begin on November 7th, 2022 with …
White flowers in front of a University of Central Arkansas campus building.
questions & answers, student life

When Do Spring Classes Start for College?

Although “spring” is usually in the term “spring semester,” spring classes actually tend to start in January. Here’s everything you need to know about these classes when you can expect the semester to end, and whether or not it’s a good idea to start your college year in the spring. When do Spring Classes Start …
Athlete with name image likeness.
questions & answers, student life

What is Name, Image, and Likeness?

Name, image, and likeness is the term used by the NCAA to refer to a student-athlete and their identifiable factors that make the individual unique. Here’s what you need to know about the term, how it came about, and how student-athletes can now use their name, image, and likeness to earn money. What is Name, …
questions & answers

How Do Colleges Define the Study of Humanities?

As you explore the different majors that colleges offer, you’re sure to come across the study of humanities as an option. Although this is a pretty popular subject, there is some amount of confusion about what exactly is the study of humanities and what are the benefits of studying humanities. This article explains how colleges …