All Student Loans Articles

A student holding a red binder.
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6 Important Pieces of Student Loan Refinance Advice

Student loan refinancing offers several benefits. When you refinance, you exchange your old high-interest student loans for a new loan with all new terms. You could get lower interest rates, lower monthly payments, or different terms depending on what your goals are. The key to enjoying the benefits of student loan refinance advice is to …
Woman teaching children in a colorful classroom.
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How Do You Qualify For Student Loan Forgiveness?

Federal student loans offer several benefits that private student loans don’t offer. One of these benefits is being able to qualify for student loan forgiveness. The student loan forgiveness program is a special type of benefit established by the federal government. It is only applicable to federal student loans, and that too, only certain types …
A New York City skyline from the water
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The Average Student Loan Debt in America | 2023

The cost of obtaining a college education has been increasing steadily over the years. Today, most college students require the help of scholarships and student loans to cover the costs. However, the average student loan debt has risen along with the price-tag of college. Here’s a look at the average student debt in the U.S. in 2023. Important Things …
College student sitting in the dark, glaring at his laptop.
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How To Protect Yourself From New Student Loan Scams

Looking for student loans can be a trying process. When you’re under that kind of stress, it’s easy to fall prey to student loan scams. Scammers work by offering you a tempting easy solution to your problem. Unfortunately, instead of resolving anything, it just throws you further into debt. Knowing how to protect yourself from …
A man in a suit holding up a sign that says "Annual Percentage Rate"
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What Is Student Loan APR? Why Is It Important?

When you start researching student loans, you will come across several new terms. Sometimes it’ll feel like learning an entirely new dictionary. Each new term is vital to understand, however, since they will play a part in your finances. One such term that’s overlooked or misunderstood is APR—or Annual Percentage Rate. Let’s take a look …
Gavel and two law books on wooden table.
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Betsy DeVos in Trouble for Violating Student Loan Court Order

U.S. Magistrate Judge Sallie Kim has found that Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos violated her court order to stop going after the debts of former students of defunct Corinthian Colleges. Instead, DeVos continued telling them to make payments toward debt they had accrued. There would be nothing unusual about this if the school was still …
College student holding out a fan of student loan money, all $100 bills.
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Do Student Loans Help or Hurt Your Credit Score?

During college, many students don’t even think about their credit score. But they should! It’s a vital part of a person’s financial future, affecting a number of important milestones. Much of a person’s credit history starts in college. Specifically, with student loans. Credit scores can absolutely be affected by student loans. Your actions in the …
Steps with text: 6 steps to apply for federal student loans
student loans

The 6 Main Steps To Apply For Federal Student Loans

College fees have increased a lot over the past few years; most families need a little bit of financial help to cover the costs. Statistics show that most students who attend college have borrowed money to cover part of their college tuition. When it comes to student loans, it’s vital to know your options and …

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