All Financial Advice & Planning Articles

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Alternative College Funding: Better Ways to Pay for College

Funding a college education can be challenging. The majority of college students graduate with thousands of dollars in student loan debt. While student loans are easily available from the federal government and private lenders, they come at a high price. Student loan borrowers spend the next twenty or even thirty years repaying their student loans. …
Rolled dollar bill - save money on the cost of college education
financial advice & planning, financial aid

Ballooning Tuition Fees: How To Meet The Steep Cost Of College

For many students across America, the steep cost of tuition is the biggest deterrent to attending college. With tuition fees increasing every year and no corresponding increase in income, the cost of college becomes even more unaffordable every consecutive year. Most students are forced to take on thousands of dollars in student loans to cover …
You should consider signing up for student loan auto-pay.
financial advice & planning

Pros and Cons of Autopay for Loan Repayments

When it comes time to repay your loans, whether student loans, mortgages, or otherwise, you might have the option to set up “autopay.” But what is it? How does autopay work? And what are the benefits and downsides of the setting? What is Autopay? Autopay, or an automatic bill payment, is a setting that some …
financial advice & planning

How To Pay for College When Times Are Tough

College is expensive and the price of tuition increases every year. Most families across America find it difficult to cover the full cost of college from their savings. And this is even during normal times. When finances are tight, paying for college becomes even more stressful. With stiff competition for limited resources, families have to …
A pile of dollar bills.
financial advice & planning, financial aid

What Colleges Offer the Most Endowment for Students?

Endowment helps students afford college tuition. Harvard, Yale, and Stanford are among the universities and colleges that offer the most endowment for their students. Here’s what endowment means and how much every school has available for the designated year: What is College Endowment? College endowment is the amount of money a school receives in donations. …
We put together a list of college essentials you might not have thought of bringing.
financial advice & planning

12 Hidden Costs of College

Tuition, room, and board are not the only college expenses to consider when you start your education. There are also hidden college costs to account for as well. While tuition is often the biggest expense, smaller, hidden costs can add up and be almost just as much. It’s important to budget for these invisible college …

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