How To Use The Rest Of The Summer To Prep For Freshman Year

Use the summer after high school to prep for college.

Flickr user Andrew Fleming

It’s your summer after high school and it’s winding down. The school year is approaching. Here are a few ways you can use the rest of the summer to prep for your upcoming freshman year.

Take up a temporary summer job

Taking up a job, even if it is just for a few weeks will you earn some extra money that you can use to buy your college essentials. The total cost of your essentials adds up quickly. Having a job and saving money will definitely help you. Plus, the less money you borrow, the better.

Read regularly

As a college student, you will be expected to complete numerous reading assignments.  Use the summer after high school to read! Getting into the practice now will help you ease into it without getting overwhelmed. Plus you may end up reading something that will be on your syllabus, so you’ll be ahead of the curb!

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Develop and hone your time-management skills

Without strong time-management skills, you will find it difficult to cope with the rigorous college schedule. Creating a schedule for a few activities and following it is the best way to get into the habit of managing your time. You want to have time for academics and a life outside of school, without stressing about time. 

Pack and prep for move-in day

Packing can take up a lot of time, especially if you also need to go out and purchase some freshman year materials. Plan ahead of time (use those time-management skills we talked about) and make a list of things you need. Lay as much groundwork as you can before move-in day arrives. Know your school’s policies and expectations before you go so things are a smooth as possible.

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