Morgan Staub

Here are some stats about student loans
student loans

Stats about Student Loans

A great man named Jay-Z once said, “Men lie, women lie, numbers don’t.”  This mantra seems to hold true in nearly all areas of life, especially when it comes to the hot-button issue of student loans. As student loan debt and financial aid has recently become a polarizing—and often politicized—issue, the most straightforward information often …
You can get scholarships based on your impressive SAT and ACT scores

Scholarships for Students with Impressive ACT/SAT Scores

The daunting SAT and ACT tests can be thought of in many ways. A random sampling of college seniors, after time to reflect on their test experience, variously described the tests as “rites of passage,” “milestones,” “headaches,” “stressful,” and “rewarding.” The bottom line is that all the above is true. Being truthful, the tests are …
Homeschooled students may feel like the college search process is daunting, but it's not.
college search

How Homeschooled Students Should Approach the College Search Process

Homeschooling is on the rise. According to recent statistics, there are over 2.3 million homeschooled students in the US each year. The reasons for homeschooling vary, from the ability to give individual attention to your student, to religious reasons, and others. When it comes time for your homeschooled student to leave the nest and head …
A blue and yellow pencil parallel to each other, with a blue and yellow background.
financial aid

Should I Apply for Financial Aid After I Get Accepted or Before?

The financial aid process may heap more stress atop an already trying time for many high schoolers. However, if done correctly, financial aid applications can be completed without stress. The months leading up to your freshman year of college will whiz by. It can seem like there’s not enough time to do everything. Because of …
Two students sitting side by side.

Scholarships for Students with ADHD

According to recent statistics, around 11% of adolescents suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The diagnosed are disproportionately young millennials, a subject that has led to public figures, from psychologists to rapper Kendrick Lamar, referring to our generation “Generation ADHD.” This term glosses over the debilitating effects of the disorder. These effects cannot be …
A starry night sky with a telescope in the corner.

Scholarships for Astronomy Majors

In the summer of 1969, Neil Armstrong landed a foot softly in a pile of moon dust, turned to look back towards the planet that propelled him to his current destination, and said, “…that’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” Since our first successful journey to the moon over forty …
college comparisons

Colleges for Tech Enthusiasts

If you’re a fan of sci-fi shows like Westworld or The Black Mirror, you’re probably well aware of the increasingly large role technology plays in our lives, and how some see this growth as a problem. The only true way to ensure that we minimize misuse of technology, as you know, is to learn as …
Colorful pieces of chalk on a sidewalk.

Scholarships for Elementary Education Majors

Of the many career paths open to higher education students, there are few more selfless than going into elementary education. A field often under-appreciated despite its unquestionable importance, elementary education always needs more teachers that devote their lives to the betterment of young people. Teachers have the opportunity to impact a life forever; my mother …
These colleges put on a unique festival for their students.
student life

Colleges with Unique Festivals

While everyone knows that college is for learning and growing into a productive member of society, it’s important to have fun along the way. Colleges organize many events during the school year, from club fairs to concerts to rallies. One of the more common recreational events is a festival, usually thrown during a certain time …

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