Where Powerful Women Went to College (Part 2!)

Not too long ago we presented an infographic all about powerful US women and where they went to college. Now we’re back with part two of the series with more women in power and where they went to college!

This time around, every single woman we feature spoke at the first-ever United States of Women summit that took place earlier this year. The summit brought together iconic and unknown leaders. They talked about the challenges facing women in the US and also the current efforts made to overcome those challenges.

Among the incredible women on this list are politicians, astronauts, CEOs, inventors, and ambassadors. Coming from a multitude of backgrounds and representing many different races, religions, and areas of study, this diverse group of leaders is working hard to shatter the glass ceiling and earn true equality. These women are incredible, and we, unfortunately, could only highlight 20 in this post.

Here are 20 more women in power, and where they went to college:

more women in power

Interested in attending any of the same schools as these awesome ladies? Check out College Raptor’s free match tool to see if any of those colleges are good matches for you! You can also see your acceptance odds as well.

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