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College Degrees that Guarantee a Job After Graduation

While no degree is “worthless” (even though there are myths that say so!), there are definitely degrees that are in demand each year. As a result, you’re more likely to find a full-time job quickly after graduation if you study in an “in demand” field compared to those that are in less demand. So we …
Scrabble tiles that spell "school," "learn," and "math."

Myth: Only the Grades in Your Major-Related Classes Matter

Going into college, it’s easy to think that your grades don’t matter for the first couple of years. They won’t matter until you really start to hone in on your major, right? A common misconception is that you don’t have to worry about general education classes and electives are ones. However, there are several reasons …
A graduate student smiling and posing for a photo.

Myth: Everyone Else Has Their Life Figured Out

Think of a peer you admire, whether it be a friend, classmate, or someone prevalent on campus. How do you perceive their life and their success? Chances are, if you admire someone, you probably think that their life is all put together and that they know exactly what they are doing. However, you can never …
There are many things to consider before starting a small business during college.
careers & internships

Should You Start Your Small Business While You’re Still In College?

The perks and pitfalls of acting early on that entrepreneurial spirit. For some entrepreneurs, starting a small business while still in university can be the best decision they’ve ever made. Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, is perhaps the most well-known success story in this regard. But not all budding business owners will have the same circumstances …
List of 4 different types of college degrees.
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What are the 4 Types of College Degrees?

While there are many different kinds of college degrees out there in the big world of academia, you can categorize them into four different units: Associate’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree and Doctoral Degree. Let’s go through the types of college degrees and see what differentiates these accomplishments from one another. Note: this is not …

Myth: College is Only For Young Students in Their 20’s

You may have noticed that not everyone in your college classroom is your age, especially if you are taking a night course. Adult learners are a growing presence in post-secondary education. Some schools (such as Phoenix University, which you’ve probably seen ads for) openly cater to these students. But what exactly is an adult learner? …

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