What To Do If You Don’t Know What To Major In

A big question mark on a black board.

Pixabay user TeroVesalainen

You’re heading to college in a few months and you’re don’t know what to major in. A lot of students actually find themselves in this position but you do have a few options! Here are just a few you might want to consider:

Go Undeclared or Declare a Major and Change It Later

Most colleges and universities ask you to declare a major upon admission to the school. However, unless you have a scholarship for that specific major, your choice isn’t set in stone. If it’s still a toss-up what field you’ll be heading into, choose something you’re leaning towards now. You’re free to change it down the line if you decide a different major is more in line with your desired career—just keep in mind, switching majors can lead to spending another semester or year in school to catch up.

Take Courses You’re Interested In

Whether you’ve declared a major and intend to change it or aren’t quite sure what you want to major at all, taking courses you’re interested in is a great tactic for your first two years. Many will also count as general education requirements or electives during that time, so you’re not wasting credits.

Choosing classes that sound fun or interesting to you also broadens your spectrum and world view. You’ll be introduced to new ideas, new subjects, and possibly even new career paths. You may end up deciding to completely change your intended path because of one of these courses. This time and the classes you choose will also help shape your college experience and you as a person.


If you’re still unsure what to major in, especially after you’ve taken other courses that interest you, you may want to start exploring outside of school. Volunteering in your community, researching in a local project, or taking part in an internship are three great places to start. These will help you make connections as well as give you real life and work experience. You may find you enjoy the work or a particular aspect of it.

You can also consider shadowing jobs that might interest you to see if it’s something you can see yourself doing after graduation. Shadowing is not available for every industry, however.

Talk To Others About What You Want to Major In

Talking to others is a step you can’t skip if you’re unsure about what to choose for your major. Talk to your close family, friends, and loved ones who know you best first. See what they have to say about your personality and interests; they may have suggestions that surprise you.

Next, visit your college or high school counselors. They can offer advice and point you in the right direction. Your college career center will also offer invaluable information. They have professionals and resources that can help you find a career that matches your personality and interests, while also preparing you for your future job.

If you don’t know what to major in, don’t worry. It is something a lot of students are concerned about, especially when they’re first heading into college. Take the time to explore all the avenues ahead of you before making a final decision.

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