Liz Skogerboe

What does a "no loan" policy mean for schools
financial aid

What Does it Mean When a School Has a “No Loan” Policy?

You may find yourself reading the title of this post and thinking, “Wait, what?” How could a college not have students taking out loans to pay for their education? Is it even possible to pay for college without a loan? However, once you learn more about how and why colleges have a “no loan” policy, …
Here's how to improve your writing skills for applications and essays
tips tools & advice

Improve Your Writing Skills for Applications and Essays

Writing, no matter the purpose, can be difficult at times. While there is no perfect system to writing for every single person, utilizing your resources can help you along the way. Read on to discover ways to help you improve your writing skills. Outline Your Ideas Starting with an outline can help you throughout the …
college comparisons

Colleges with the Best Student Housing

While living in a school-owned building may not seem like every student’s dream, there are quite a few colleges around the United States with top-notch room and board options. We’ve gathered a list of just a handful of the trendiest housing options found in the U.S., in no particular order. Check them out below! Founders Hall, …
A chalk drawing of a clock, with text next to the right that says "how many credit hours should you take?"
questions & answers

How Many Credit Hours Should I Take?

When I was an orientation leader for the University of Iowa, I worked with our campus academic advisors to help new students build their class schedules. This is one of the questions I was asked the most by students. Many new students come in with an outline of a schedule that they (or their parents) …
Here's a list of schools with great disability resources
college search

Schools with Great Resources for Students with Special Needs

Students with special needs might not have considered continuing into post-secondary education after high school. College can be a daunting process for any student, and it can also be tough to figure out how to advocate for yourself to ensure your needs are met. Luckily, disability resources on campuses help students with various physical, intellectual, …
How can an independent college counselor help you?
questions & answers

What is an Independent College Counselor?

Maybe you’ve heard of them, and maybe you haven’t. Sometimes referred to as Independent Educational Consultants, these counselors are frequently self-employed, or otherwise, work for consulting businesses. Independent College Counselors work to help students and their families navigate the college search and application process. Who do they work with? Counselors typically work with families that …
College Raptor Rankings star badge that says "Top 25 Best Public Colleges 2017".
college comparisons, 2017 university rankings

Top 25 Best Public Colleges

Public colleges and universities are abound in the United States. They receive funding from the government, and every state has at least one public school. Although there are many wonderful schools in the country, we’ve put together a list of the top 25 public colleges from around the United States. 25. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and …

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