Talk with Your Roommate About These Topics Before Move-In Day

Moving day can be pretty nerve-wracking and you want it to go smoothly. You are going to be meeting the person with whom you are going to be sharing a room with for the next few years. That first meeting and the subsequent few days can make the difference between a great first few weeks or a miserable start to your college experience. You want that first meeting to go well so it can pave the path for a smoother transition from home to college. One way to make sure that happens is to chat with your roommate about a few topics before move-in day.

There are a few topics you need to talk about:

Who Is Bringing What

Roommates who do not discuss the issue of who brings what often end up with several duplicate items. This could be a shame if you both decide to bring a mini-fridge to stock up on groceries and frozen meals, but no one brings a microwave to heat up those frozen meals. You’ll both be kicking yourselves when you are eating stone-cold pizzas. The best way to avoid this is by making a list of essential, big-ticket items and then deciding who brings what.

Your Dorm Room Décor Style

You may be dream of doing up the room in modern, minimalistic décor with a monochromatic color scheme. Your roommate, on the other hand, may envision a bohemian-styled room done up in bright colors and a more casual style. The result will be a room that looks like an untidy mess. Once you both agree on a dorm decor style, it will be easier to buy furnishings and accessories that complement instead of clash.

How Both Of You Will Use The Room

Different people have different views on having friends over in the dorm. If you are planning on using your room as the party capital but your roommate is planning on using it as a study space will surely create a lot of unnecessary tension. Understanding each other’s views and limitations will help avoid any conflicts.

How Both Of You Will Share The Chores

Doing the chores can be a major sore point between roommates without a proper system in place that is fair to both occupants of the room. There’s cooking, cleaning, dusting, washing dishes, general tidying up and more. There are several ways you can split up the chores. Find a way that works for both of you. Taking turns weekly usually works best.


It is a good idea to also find out about allergies. Dairy and peanut butter are usually staple pantry items in all dorms. Before you stock up, you must find out if your roommate is allergic to either of these or any other foods. It will help prevent any inadvertent mistake.

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