College Visit: Winter Break Edition

When you read the words “college visit” what do you picture? Do you see a busy campus filled with students hurrying to classes, a couple of tour groups, and the leaves beginning to change colors? Or do you see yourself strolling around a quieter campus in a t-shirt and shorts during summer? Well, what about snow during winter break?

Consider visiting during winter break.

When it comes to college visits, winter break is oftentimes overlooked. Class may not be in session during the holiday season, but that doesn’t mean a college visit isn’t worthwhile during this time. If a student’s fall is jam-packed and their summer full of job responsibilities, it may come down to a snowy visit. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

You can still tour during winter break.

Even with class out for the semester, interested students can take a tour of the campus (be sure to bundle up), speak with remaining faculty members, and potentially chat with current students who remain in a college town for their break. If at all possible, visiting a college on your list is ideal—it’s a great way to learn more about the school but also get a feel for what it would be like studying and living there. A college visit can sometimes seal the deal or sway a decision between your top two picks.

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Plan ahead!

So you should consider putting a college visit on your holiday wishlist this year. Plan ahead to avoid travel congestion and know that many schools won’t be open for official tours on certain dates like Christmas Eve and Day.

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