Flickr user katie wheeler
Spring break is a wonderful time to, well, take a break from the stresses of school. While you certainly owe it to yourself to take some relaxation time, it’s also a prime time to visit colleges.
You’ve got the time, so use it!
While you’re on break, you don’t have classes to get in the way of traveling to visit schools you’re interested in. Use your free week or so to hit up what colleges you can—and maybe a few touristy fun things while you’re at it. If your family is taking a spring break vacation, maybe you can sneak a few college visits into the mix.
The weather’s getting nice during spring break
Depending on where you’re located in the US, it might be sunshine year-round, but for those of us who enjoy all four seasons, spring is a great time of year. So go out and explore blooming campuses while it’s warming up! Better than trudging around in the snow, right?

There will still be students on campus
Many students try to visit while school is in session—which does have a lot of benefits—but just because it’s break time doesn’t mean campuses are dead. Many college students stick around during break, some classes even continue, and who knows, your spring break might not even match up with theirs, so class could still be in session while you visit.
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