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So You Want to Be a Teacher? 4 Steps to Take

If you’re thinking about being a teacher, congratulations! It’s an exciting career that can be extremely rewarding, especially if it’s your passion to help kids and educate others. If becoming a teacher or professor is something you’re considering, here are some things to know about the journey and steps you’ll have to take to reach …
Two smiling female students with their laptops on the desk.
careers & internships

Tips for Being a Stand-Out Intern

While you’ll obviously be quite busy during your degree program, working on your studies and potentially in a part-time job as well, it’s important to spend time thinking about your career prospects and pathways right now, even though you haven’t yet graduated. To ensure you land a great job once you have completed your degree, …
A CEO sitting at a desk with a few monitors in front of them.
careers & internships

So You Want To Be a CEO: 5 Steps

There’s no direct path to becoming a CEO, but there are ways you can improve your chances. This is a career path that takes quite a bit of time and patience along with a lot of luck. Rarely is anyone made CEO straight out of college. But if you’re interested in working towards achieving this …
These are the top public service careers.
careers & internships

Top Careers In Public Service

If you want to help people and have a hand in changing things in your community or in the greater world, a career in public service may be just what you’re looking for. Public service doesn’t have to mean being a firefighter, a police officer, or a social worker. There are a vast number of …
Letter tiles arranged to say "law".
careers & internships

So You Want To Be A Lawyer: 8 Steps

If you dream of attending Harvard or Yale, you may be considering a career as a lawyer. It’s a popular choice, but it’s important to know exactly what you have to do to get this distinguished position. Here are the 8 steps you’ll need to take, from your high school senior year to being hired …
Internships can be a great way to gain experience. Here are a few answers to your questions about internships
careers & internships

FAQs About Internships

An internship is a short-term (paid or unpaid) work experience that takes place in a professional setting. Internships typically have a specified commencement and completion date and are monitored by an experienced professional in the field. Here are some common questions about internships. Should I apply to any internship opportunity I come across? To make …
Two students sitting around a laptop applying to internships.
careers & internships

How to Increase Your Chances of Getting an Internship

An internship is an invaluable experience. Not only will it look good on a future resume, but it allows you a sneak peek into your potential career field, gives you industry contacts, and helps you develop relevant skills. You should absolutely consider doing at least one internship during your college years (if not multiple), and …
A girl holding a bible and looking far away.
careers & internships

The Pros and Cons of a Fellowship

Fellowships are programs that are often associated more with graduate and doctoral students, but some undergraduate students may also benefit from fellowship opportunities. What is a Fellowship? A fellowship is an academic and financial opportunity for a student to work as a research or lab assistant for a professor. Depending on the specific field and …

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