All Careers & Internships Articles

A female teacher is smiling in front of the green board with colorful chalks.
careers & internships

7 Great Jobs For Former Teachers

Being a teacher can be a rewarding job, but it may not be the right one for everyone. Whether you’re leaving your teaching job because of location, hours, or pay, there are amazing careers and jobs for former teachers out there for you to succeed in. An education degree may be holding some teachers back …
Here are some reasons you should visit your college's career center
careers & internships

Benefits of Using Career Services

Colleges have tons of resources that students barely take advantage of simply because they don’t know they even exist! One that some students overlook is the career services center of their school. These centers actually offer amazing benefits and resources including networking, career exploration, and job search preparation, among others. What are College Career Services? …
careers & internships

4 Great Reasons to be a Teacher

High demand, summers off, shaping the future generation – these are all great reasons to be a teacher. With many states facing a teacher shortage, it’s important to consider why should you become a teacher – and what will the career path look like after you graduate. Our kids need you! 4 Reasons to be …
careers & internships

What’s next for nursing degrees following the pandemic?

Nurses have certainly been in the forefront since the pandemic began. If you’re thinking about entering this career, what can you expect? We’ll cover the outlook for nursing degrees, how the pandemic caused shortages, and what you can expect after you graduate. Why is There a Nursing Shortage? Hospitals at the moment are struggling to …
careers & internships

Top Future Proof Degree Paths

As the job market changes each year, finding a degree path that will stand the test of time is important for everyone, and particularly so if you are just now going into college and need to declare your major. Future proof degrees ensure high job security as they lead to careers that will always be …
Students discussing career advice at a coffee shop.
careers & internships

Career Advice For Students in College

The best time to start planning for your career is while you’re still in college. This is a time when you’re surrounded by a wide assortment of useful resources that you can tap into. You also have easy access to experienced career advisors who will steer you towards making more informed decisions about a prospective …
College student leaning against the wall of her college career center.
careers & internships

What Can You Do At College Career Centers?

College career centers are the single best resource that students can go to for any type of career-related assistance. Almost all colleges and universities have career services offices on campus. These centers offer a range of services to help students meet their career goals. Make time to visit your school’s career services office. Whether you …