Juniors: Things Your School Counselor Wants You to Know

Juniors in high school: Have you talked to your guidance counselor recently? Many only see their assigned counselor once a year as dictated by the school. There are 3 common things your school counselor wants you to know.

3 Things your school counselor wants you to know

They’re There to Help You

Thumbs up iconYou likely see your guidance counselor at least once a year to go over your courses for the following school year, but these faculty members are there for so much more! They can help you with stress, class concerns, and issues with other students.

And, of course, they’re there to help you with your journey after high school. They can provide direction for you as well as advice depending on your goals. And if you don’t want to go to college, that’s absolutely okay. They can help you with other life paths, including trade schools and career options.

But no matter your issue, concern, or goals, they’ve likely seen it before with other students. Guidance counselors often know how to navigate issues with college applications and advise on different trade schools. Make sure to schedule an appointment with yours soon.

When It Comes to College, The Earlier You Start, The BetterManager icon

You know that college applications are due January 1st of your senior year, but should you really wait until December 31st to turn them in? Or wait until the week prior to even do your research into colleges, the ACT/SAT, and careers? Absolutely not!

The sooner you start on your college search and requirements, the better. And guidance counselors can help you wade these waters. If you need assistance with getting a letter of recommendation, figuring out a problem with your college application, studying for the ACT, or writing your college essay, they can help you.

But remember as those deadlines approach, whether for the college applications or the ACT test dates, they will be helping other students as well. You may not be able to get an appointment to get the assistance you need. The sooner you start on your college search and standardized tests, the sooner you can get help from your guidance counselor, and the better off you’ll be come senior year.

You Don’t Need Straight A’s to Get into College

Person pulling a dog on a sled.Although straight A’s will help you get into your dream school, those grades are not the be all end all. Colleges look at more than just your GPA. They want to see you giving back to the community and doing more than the bare minimum to graduate high school.

And you don’t need all 90+ either to qualify for financial aid or scholarships. In fact, a number of grants and awards are actually based on financial need rather than merit (though, there are, of course, ones based on grades and merit).

Don’t think, though, that you can’t get into college or qualify for financial aid simply because you didn’t get top grades.

Junior and senior years of high school can be stressful – but a lot of fun, too! Navigating your workload is essential to set yourself up for success after graduation. Things your school counselor wants you to know: they are here you if you have any questions or are having a hard time handling all your responsibilities. Make sure to schedule an appointment with your guidance counselor.

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