85 Extracurricular Activities for College Applications

Extracurriculars look great on college applications, but do colleges look for certain clubs or activities when you apply? The answer is yes and no! What you do during the club or activity is more important than the activity itself in some cases. Here’s a list of 7 extracurricular activities for college applications.

It’s no secret that extracurriculars look great on college applications, but which ones do you choose? While specific clubs or activities can be impressive, what truly matters is your level of involvement and achievements within those activities. Looking for some inspiration for what extracurricular to join? Check out our complete list broken down by categories.

What Is an Extracurricular Activity?

An extracurricular activity is anything you do in high school that doesn’t contribute to your GPA. These activities are a way for you to pursue your interests and as a bonus—they look great on college applications! Trying different activities may even help you discover a career path that you hadn’t thought of before.

How Extracurricular Activities Impact College Admissions

Colleges want to see your involvement outside of the traditional classroom setting. However, this doesn’t mean you have to join every club you possibly can. Colleges would rather see you fully dedicated to a few activities, rather than being loosely involved in 10 different clubs. And if you really want to get your extracurriculars noticed, take a leadership position in your club. This shows both commitment and leadership skills.

Keep in mind that while extracurriculars are important, they are not the most important factor. Coursework and GPA still hold more weight. Don’t put too much stress on choosing the “right” one. Instead, just focus on choosing the ones you are genuinely interested in.

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85 Extracurriculars! Listed by Category

Browse through our complete list of extracurriculars and see which ones stick out to you. You never know what you might enjoy until you give it a try. If you’re unsure whether your school offers a particular activity, reach out to your guidance counselor to see if you can connect with a group or club in your town or city.

Academic Clubs

Do you love math or planning to major in science? Joining an extracurricular in these subjects during high school can give you a competitive edge over other students planning to pursue similar majors. This is because you are actively demonstrating your interest in the subject matter to continue pursuing it outside of class.

  • Architecture Club
  • Astronomy Club
  • Biology Club
  • Chemistry Club
  • Economics Club
  • Electronics Club
  • Engineering Club
  • English Club
  • History Club
  • Life Sciences Club
  • Literature Club
  • Math Club
  • National Honor Society
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Physics Club
  • Psychology Club
  • Robotics Club
  • Science National Honors Society
  • Trivia and Quiz Clubs
  • Web design/coding club
  • Writing Club


Have an interest in sports or being active? This is a great way to show a college you can commit to your goals and show you work hard to achieve them. After all, you’ve likely spent years honing your skills! Plus, if you’re part of a “team sport,” such as soccer or football, you’re displaying the ability to work with a team. You can follow directions from your coaches, you understand the importance of being able to rely on your team members, and you may even hold a leadership position at some point.

Your athletics experience doesn’t have to be through your high school. Many communities have their own clubs or teams, so definitely include these activities under your list of extracurriculars.

  • Baseball and softball
  • Basketball
  • Bodybuilding
  • Cheerleading
  • Climbing Club
  • Cycling
  • Dance Team
  • Fencing
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Gymnastics
  • Hiking Club
  • Hockey
  • Intramural Sports
  • Lacrosse
  • Martial Arts
  • Ping Pong Club
  • Skiing
  • Soccer
  • Surfing
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Track & Field
  • Ultimate Frisbee Club
  • Volleyball
  • Water Polo
  • Yoga Club

Artistic and Creative Clubs

Art clubs tend to be commonplace in high schools, and joining one can look amazing on a college application. Whether it’s a hobby or your intended area of study, it shows you have interests outside of your main academics and can think outside of the box.

  • Animation
  • Anime Club
  • Art Club
  • Art: drawing, painting
  • Cartooning
  • Culinary Arts
  • Fashion design
  • Graphic Design
  • Interior Design
  • Jewelry Making
  • Photography
  • Pottery
  • Sewing
  • Woodworking

Drama and Music Clubs

If you enjoy performing, then you may take an interest in a drama or music program. You can express yourself creatively, while also working on your confidence and discipline.

  • Acapella
  • Choreography
  • Comedy Club
  • Community Chorus/Choir
  • Community Drama/Theater Club
  • Concert Band
  • Dance
  • High School Drama/Theater Club
  • Improv
  • Marching Band
  • Musical Theater
  • Orchestra
  • School Choir
  • Slam Poetry Club
  • Stage Crew/Production
  • Tri-M Music Honor Society

Media and Technology

Have a love for digital creativity? You might consider exploring media and technology activities for opportunities to express your skills and interests.

  • Blogging/Vlogging
  • Film Production
  • Graphic Design
  • Personal Website
  • Photography
  • Podcasting
  • School News
  • School Newspaper
  • School Website
  • Social Media
  • Video Game Development Club
  • Yearbook Committee
  • YouTube Channel

Part-Time Jobs

Having a part-time job on your college application shows potential schools that you have a strong work ethic, are motivated, and can work in a professional environment. After all, most students don’t really have to get a part-time job in high school—they simply choose to. This sort of self-motivated attitude is exactly what colleges are looking for in students. Plus, you can earn your own money!

  • Babysitter
  • Retail
  • Landscaping
  • Lifeguard
  • Barista
  • Dog Walker/Pet Sitter
  • Camp Counselor
  • Tutor
  • Food Server


Another extracurricular activity that can highlight your college application is volunteering. It shows motivation, dedication to your community, and care for others who are less fortunate.

  • Adopt-a-Highway
  • Animal Shelter
  • Food Bank
  • Hospital Volunteer
  • International Volunteer Program
  • Mentoring
  • Red Cross Club
  • Summer Camp
  • Tutoring
  • UNICEF High School Clubs
  • Volunteer Fire Department
  • Work with a Local Charity
  • Work with a Local Soup Kitchen

Extracurricular activities for college applications do matter, especially if you’re aiming for hard-to-get-into schools. While you should try to find clubs and organizations that demonstrate your skills and dedication, you also want to be sure you’re interested in the extracurricular! Don’t do it simply because it looks good on your application. This approach will ensure you stick with it and have fun! It’s much better to have a consistent history of attending an extracurricular, rather than what you think a college or university is looking for.

Did you know that extracurriculars can also land you a scholarship? Some awards are solely dedicated to specific clubs, or that extracurricular you participated in could give you an edge over the competition. Start with our Scholarship Search tool to find awards you qualify for without the hassle!

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