11 Unique College Clubs

College is all about exploring your personality and finding your tribe. We think your best bet to do so is to join clubs that match your unique interests! Whether you love to read or rock climb, paint or calculate differentials, there is certain to be a club out there for you. Here are 11 examples of unique kinds of college clubs on campus you can join.

11 Unique College Clubs

1. Quidditch Club

College clubs - Quidditch club

Flickr user Rachel Ortego

Part intramural sports team, part fan club for all things Harry Potter, Quidditch Club is sprouting up at colleges such as Ohio University and Indiana University. It is a total hit with those who grew up reading the books and wanting to play the sport made famous by the series. There are even national and worldwide tournaments for teams that really take it seriously!


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2. Skydiving Club

College clubs - Skydiving club

Flickr user Brendan Lim

Is your ideal club one that gets your adrenaline pumping? We can think of no better option for you than a skydiving club! University of Michigan’s got the Wolverine Skydiving Club and Miami University has the Dropouts. All you need to get started is an adventurous spirit and a lack of fear of heights.

3. Culinary Club

College clubs - Culinary club

Flickr user Bonnie

We love cooking shows, so we’re total suckers for clubs that celebrate all things food and fine dining. No worries if you have zero cooking skills. University of Central Florida’s club will teach you the basics while giving you one-on-one with experts.

4. Knitting Club

College clubs - Knitting club

Flickr user Julie

Knitting, looming, and crocheting is one of the best ways you can relax and create all at the same time. That’s why we are totally wanting to join up with clubs like Columbia University’s Gosh Yarn It club which meets to both make and talk all things yarn.

5. Happiness Club

College clubs - Happiness club

Flickr user Ramesh NG

There have been a ton of studies out there about how to be happier, and a lot of them seem to involve being with others who share your interests. How about a club that celebrates that while spreading joy around campus? Northwestern’s Happiness Club is a good place to start with its mission to “Make people happy!”

6. Assassins Club

College clubs - Assassins club

Flickr user Adam Blust

Part club, part game, the Assassins Club (or Society) is made for students who want to add a little (imaginary) danger in their lives. The rules are simple. You are assigned a target and given a weapon (such as a squirt gun). Your job is to take your target out without being hunted yourself! Just don’t get carried away with this one, as some universities have taken disciplinary actions against over-the-top players in the past.

7. Re-Enactment Club

College clubs - Re-enactment club

Flickr user Alan Ellis

History majors (and enthusiasts) will love playing dress-up and recreating historical moments to the finest details in organizations like Rutgers University’s Medieval History and Reenactment Club. From food, dress, speak, and crafts, you’ll get a kick stepping out of current times and into a vividly recreated world of the past.

8. Bad Movie Club

We all have those “bad movies” we can call our favorites – even if no one else likes them! If you’re a fan of these horrible films, or love making fun of them, Bradley University has a club for you: the Bad Movie Club. Sharknado 2 has even been on the list!

9. Dance Club

Dance clubs are a great way to get your groove on, exercise, and relax after classes! Colleges will have different offerings in the way of dance, but you may just be able to find everything from salsa to swing at your school. Hillsdale College, for example, has the Hillsdale Hepcats Swing Club that helps students learn classic dance forms such as the Charleston and Lindy Hop.

10. Adopt a Grandparent Club

Adopt a Grandparent Club, and similar organizations, focus on giving back to their community, mainly the senior citizen community. Participants may go spend time with those in nursing homes or simply visit older residents of the nearby town. Activities can include games, reading, crafting, and simply talking.

11. Disney Club

Love all things Disney? Kennesaw State University has the KSU Disney Club where members celebrate everything that has to do with Disney from the parks to the Mouse to the movies. Members get together to play games, watch movies and shows, and host bake sales.

What If Your College Doesn’t Have a Club For You?

Not all niche passions will have clubs at your particular school, but that’s okay! Because most colleges and universities have ways for students to start their own organizations on campus. If your school doesn’t have a Dungeons and Dragons club, a Star Wars organization, or a Mushroom Connoisseur club – and you want one – you may just be able to start your own if there are others interested in joining!

If you’re curious about starting your own club, you should reach out to the relevant department for more information. These details can sometimes be found online or with centers like the Center for Student Engagement (or similar).

While your major absolutely matters to your choice in a college, clubs, and extracurriculars should also have a seat at the table. You want to be sure there is something for you to do outside of the classroom – and joining these organizations is a great way to make lifelong connections and follow your passions, even while you earn a degree. Our College Search tool takes culture into account. Start here to discover the best schools (and clubs) for you!

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