7 Types of College Clubs

College is the perfect time to branch out and try new things. But where do you start? Joining college clubs is the easiest way to meet new people, network, and even develop a new hobby. You never know who you will meet when you join a college club which could help you with job opportunities later on in life. You’ll be surrounded by students and speakers of so many backgrounds and life experiences. Choose from academic, recreation, cultural, political, community service, student government, and religious clubs at your school to get more involved! You’ll gain experience in various fields, get involved in college life on campus, and make new friends.

Types of College Clubs

Finding the right club could be overwhelming since there are so many out there. From biology clubs to gardening clubs, how do you even choose which one to join? If you have time in your schedule, join at least one club related to your major and one club for your other interests. Here are the most common clubs available in college.

1. Academic

Academic clubs are by far the most popular clubs to join while you’re attending college. You could be majoring in business, STEM, or education and there will be a club that’s perfect for you. For example, business clubs will have almost all business major students who come together and build community with each other. You’ll get to meet students who have different professors and different curricula so you can learn more about your college major from different perspectives. You could even become a club advisor for your major’s club to get more involved and give back to other students in your college. 

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2. Recreation

College clubs - Quidditch club

Flickr user Rachel Ortego

Who says college clubs have to be serious? Not us! You can join recreation clubs to enjoy sports and hobbies with other students on your campus. There are tournaments to keep things competitive but don’t worry, you’ll still have a lot of fun. This is the perfect time to try sports that you didn’t get to do in high school or work on your skills for a sport you already know and love. We love recreation clubs because anyone can join them, no matter your college major.

3. Cultural

If you’re missing a piece of home, cultural clubs are the way to ease your homesickness. You can learn more about your culture or other cultures by participating in these clubs. You can also work on your language skills and try new foods with new friends. Cultural clubs are the perfect way to tap into your family’s history while you’re away at college. Who knows, maybe you’ll teach your family something new about your culture when you visit home!

4. Political

For students who enjoy policy, political clubs are a great way to find community. You’ll be able to attend political conferences that you may not have had access to before. You can learn new policies and refresh your knowledge before the upcoming elections to get other students on campus involved. Political clubs are a great addition to your resume if you’re wanting to join a political campaign or work for someone in public office.

5. Community Service

Help your community by joining a community service club. Club activities include beach clean-ups to local food drives and you’ll be able to make a difference with like-minded people from your college. You’ll be surprised by how much you can make a difference while serving your local community. Even if meetups are only a few times a semester, this would be a great club to join when you have a busy school schedule. 

6. Student Government

For students who enjoy being part of their peers’ college experiences, the student government college club is right up your alley. Student government members are in charge of school events, school policies, and love to lead their peers to success. If you plan on running for office later in your career, being a member of the student government is a great way to get your foot in the door. You’ll learn to implement policies and listen to your peers to become more successful as a public servant. Getting involved in campus life and helping students will be just as rewarding for you as it is for your peers. 

7. Religious

Many colleges have religious clubs you can join to connect with people of the same religion. If you’re far from home, religious clubs are a great way to connect with people who are like you. You’ll be able to learn more from meetings with your peers of the same religion. You could also use this time to learn about other religions too if you’re interested but never had the opportunity to educate yourself on them.

Why Should I Join a College Club?

College clubs vary in type, so you’ll meet many people. Whether you’re joining a club for your major or just for a hobby, meeting people will get so much easier. If you’re attending college at a bigger school, you may be used to lecture halls with over 100 people, so it can be overwhelming trying to find friends. College clubs are usually smaller and more intimate so it’s not as difficult to make new friends. Some clubs often have speakers that may have attended the college before or are previous members of the club. These are the type of people that give great advice and lead you in the right direction. You’ll get to hear from people you wouldn’t have heard from in your lectures and get insight that could change the course of your college career.

Overall, joining a college club is super important for any student, especially if you’re an incoming freshman, and it can greatly enhance your college experience. 

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