Pros and Cons: Being in a Student Organization on Campus

Twelve students posing for a picture, all wearing a green shirt.

Flickr user NWABR

The student years are not only about books and seminars. This wonderful period of time will facilitate your transition to adult life. Students learn how to live by themselves or with roommates, conciliate study time with housekeeping, and network with professors and colleagues. Moreover, if they choose to, they can join a student organization on campus. However, choosing one of the many groups to be with for up to three years is an important decision. Let’s see the truth about this commitment with all its goods and bads.

Pros Regarding Student Organizations on Campus

1.     Better Professional Perspectives

Any kind of university’s main purpose is to prepare you for an intellectual job at a well-established company. However, your future professional career can see a boost in quality once you join a student organization. Usually, such an association on campus carries on many projects that bring a positive impact on student life. These can be charity work, inspirational speech events, student exchange programs, and many other non-profit activities.

All these interesting projects require more than just students being present. Each of them has to go through various developments regarding management, digital design, online and offline marketing, finding sponsorships, organizing events, and many others.

Each member of the group has to help in one way or the other. These are particularly encouraged to learn from other colleagues or by themselves programs such as Adobe Photoshop or Hootsuite and basic notions of management. Moreover, students will get the chance to practice what they learn. They will gain the experience that many employers require from job seekers. These skills will be valuable enough to land you an amazing well-paid job in graphic design, for instance, right after graduation.

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2.     Develop Soft Skills

Soft skills will not only gain you a professional advantage in the job market, but they will also help you in your social life. Also called interpersonal skills, these are a set of aptitudes through which you use to interact with people. Some examples can be verbal and non-verbal communication, negotiation, decision-making, and problem-solving.

What is even more interesting is that these soft skills are universal. They work well in any industry. Many of today’s jobs require working in teams or dealing with customers and business partners. If we continue our example with a graphic designer, we can see that such a career won’t absolve you from interactions either. You have to open a clear dialogue with clients or the marketing team and support your designs with solid arguments.

Moreover, soft skills in combination with any technical knowledge that you acquire through your student years and practical experience can land you a management job. Such a high function requires a firm grasp of the ins and outs of the industry and create, delegate, and supervise tasks for your staff. Knowing how to coordinate a team effectively which comes with the soft skills will ensure you a smooth climbing on the career ladder.

3.     Psychological Development

Studies show that joining a student organization on campus has beneficial effects on your mental health too. It is indeed difficult to deal both with extracurricular projects and studies at the same time. However, this multilayered routine is serious training for your adult life. You will come to understand better the importance of your lectures without which you can’t practice complex tasks. So, you can become more committed to your collegiate education and perform better within your student organization at the same time.

The need to understand the valuable input of the professor will also make you abandon the idea of just learning by heart your lessons. Instead, you will discover that in order to truly fathom the depth of your University education, you have to apply several techniques to activate the lost art of memorization.

4.     Networking

The student years are in many cases the roots to a better professional future. And this is not just thanks to the quality level of education, but also thanks to the relationships you create here. The recruitment market is a very complex system. You can even be unaware that your dream job is actually available.

This is because half of the job pool remains unpublished. The employees now earn a handsome bonus the moment they refer the company to a capable candidate. This is why networking is a powerful tool. You never know how influential your colleagues can become. If you leave a long-lasting impression, some of them might think of you in the future when their employers seek a new member of their team.

A student organization on campus will open for you a wider window of networking. You have strong grounds to not only communicate with students outside your class but also interact with them. Once you share many sleepless nights with other participants in a student project, you will form a strong bond with them.

Cons Regarding Student Organizations on Campus

5.     Time Management Issues

Once you get involved in a student organization, there’s no turning back. There is more than likely that you have to participate in weekly and monthly meetings and contribute with your own efforts to any available projects. Since these activities will have a huge impact especially outside the campus, many students feel compelled to attend to their project to the detriment of their studies.

This means that once you join such an association, there are high chances that you will have to sacrifice more personal and study time. This liability comes with placing your extracurricular duties above college education. Thus your involvement in your lectures and student organization will become stronger, but sometimes the lack of time will force you to compromises.

6.     A Wrong Choice

Most student organizations have developed throughout the year a supporting system where the veterans are investing time and being patient with new recruits. They are more than happy to guide fresh students on their journey to a wonderful experience that implies teamwork, cooperation, and achievements outside the University.

However, there are some student groups that lost their way. The members of such organizations have little patience with recruits, and they pursue only their own goals. In such harmful entourage, students can suffer great self-esteem injuries. This is why it is important to evaluate the values that an organization has before making the decision to join one or the other.

All in all, these are the six points that depict the bigger picture of a student organization on campus. The pros and cons can vary in number and effectiveness depending on students’ intentions. However, one thing is for certain. Such organizations will provide an unforgettable experience that unlocks the full potential of students.

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