Flickr user S Chia
Choosing a college can be one of the most difficult decisions you have faced yet. With so much at stake, it makes sense to get other people’s opinions, from your family and friends to your teachers and career counselor. After all, they also know you and may have thought of something you haven’t.
Listen to Other People’s Opinions
Well, there’s nothing wrong with asking for other people’s opinions. These are people who know you best. They have been following your progress over several years and have a pretty good idea of your strengths, weaknesses, skills, and preferences. This qualifies them to give you solid advice that will help steer you in the right direction.
It’s Still YOUR Decision
However, and this is crucial, while it is okay to ask people around you for their opinion, you should not choose a particular path solely based on anybody else’s suggestions. Listening to their opinions can help you get another perspective, so hear them out and think over what they have to say to you. Other people’s point of view can give you additional insight or information to work with to make a better-informed decision.
But ultimately, the final choice of college has to be yours and yours alone. Do not let anyone else coerce you into making that final decision because of what THEY want. They’re not the ones going to whatever college you end up picking; you are. The college you choose will shape your experience over the next 4+ years and your life after graduation. It is important that you take ownership of that critical decision and do not hand it over to anyone else.
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