What is the Student Aid Report (SAR)?

Overlay text "SAR" against white and green background.When you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), you’ll receive your SAR sometime afterwards. The FAFSA is used to calculate what kind of financial need you personally have, which can make you eligible to several federal scholarships, grants, work study programs, or even loans.

Essentially, the SAR is your “results” for what federal aid you qualify for. It can be either electronic or paper, depending on what information you provided in the FAFSA. The SAR will also include your calculated Estimated Family Contribution (EFC), what your family is expected to pay out-of-pocket for your education.

Make sure you review your SAR carefully. If there is any information that you think is wrong, be sure to update or correct your FAFSA straight away so you, the federal government, and your potential colleges all have the most correct information.

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Lender Rates (APR) Eligibility
Citizens logo.
5.34%-15.96%* Variable
3.99%-15.61%* Fixed
Undergraduate and Graduate
Sallie Mae logo.
4.92% - 15.08% Variable
3.99% - 15.49% Fixed
Undergraduate and Graduate
Credibe company logo.
4.50% - 17.99% Variable
3.49% - 17.99% Fixed
Undergraduate and Graduate
Lendkey company logo.
6.00% - 13.75% Variable
3.99% - 13.75% Fixed
Undergraduate and Graduate
Ascent company logo.
5.50% - 14.56% Variable
3.69% - 14.41% Fixed
Undergraduate and Graduate
3.70% - 8.75% Fixed
Undergraduate and Graduate
Earnest company logo.
4.99% - 16.85% Variable
3.47% - 16.49% Fixed
Undergraduate and Graduate
5.00% - 14.22% Variable
3.69% - 14.22% Fixed
Undergraduate and Graduate
College Raptor is not a loan lender and does not assume responsibility for suggesting a loan to a user who may not be eligible for it. Rates, terms, conditions, eligibility, approval, and other considerations are the decisions of the lenders and may vary depending on which lender or marketplace the user selects. We urge users to carefully consider and review all loan options and terms before committing to taking out a loan.

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