Flickr user Lauren Brown
Nowadays internships are considered pretty essential. Doing an internship during the summer break is a great way to solidify your career choice while also bolstering your resume. But college students aren’t the only ones who can benefit from internship experiences—high school students can consider internships as well.
Consider your personal preferences.
When it comes to internships, there is no one opportunity that works for everyone. Different students have different and personal preferences, which would impact their choice of internship. If you are looking for a summer internship, consider what major you’re interested in, or career paths that you might pursue. Finding an internship in your field of study can be a great way to earn experience and make contacts!
Here are some internship ideas:
Interested in environmental studies? Check with national parks, local wildlife and forestry agencies, or eco-friendly businesses.
Students interested in software engineering can look to both large and small companies that focus on the craft and relevant products.
If you are planning on majoring in an art field, great places to check for internships would be museums, art galleries, art supply stores, or even libraries.
Interested in learning more about the marine environment and its inhabitants? Several aquariums offer summer internships for high school students.

There’s an internship for everyone.
No matter what field you are interested in, whether it is science, education, graphic design, medicine or just about anything else, you are sure to find an exciting summer internship that would be the perfect fit for you.
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