Chris Paasch

Increasing enrollments through student lead generation

Student Lead Generation  Download PDF College Raptor’s website and mobile app have over 3 million annual visitors searching for their right fit school. Our leads are generated using algorithms that match College Raptor users to your institution’s ideal student profile. Matches are determined by academic performance, intended major, location, college preference, and financial fit. What …

Customized Net Price Calculators for Colleges and Universities

Net Price Calculators  Download PDF Each College Raptor NPC is customized to your institution’s individual pricing and awarding methodology and can include federal, state and institutional aid. This ensures that every family completing your calculator receives an accurate net price without causing additional strain to your offices. And, even though it’s customized, set up is …

Enrollment Efficiency Through Predictive Modeling

Predictive Modeling®  Download PDF Enrollment funnels are steadily widening at the top without seeing the same effect on the other end. Applicant pools are increasing, causing recruitment teams the constant struggle of prioritizing which students to spend time focusing their efforts on. College Raptor’s Predictive Modeling service provides admission offices the insight they need to …

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