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#1 Best College for Robotics Technology/Technician in the U.S.

University of Advancing Technology
Tempe, AZ

the University of Advancing Technology is known for being a non selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#2 Best College for Robotics Technology/Technician in the U.S.

Central Connecticut State University
New Britain, CT

Central Connecticut State University is a somewhat selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#3 Best College for Robotics Technology/Technician in the U.S.

Alcorn State University
Alcorn State, MS

In general, Alcorn State University is known for being a extremely selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary



#4 Best College for Robotics Technology/Technician in the U.S.

Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN

In general, Indiana State University is a non selective school.

Acceptance Rate


Annual Degrees Awarded


SAT Score


Est. Net Price *


Median Starting Salary


*The estimated net prices above are College Raptor’s estimate. Please contact the college financial aid office for actual net cost figures.

About Robotics Technology/Technician

Robotics Technology/Technician programs prepare individuals to apply basic engineering principles and technical skills in support of engineers and other professionals engaged in developing and using robots. Includes instruction in the principles of robotics, design and operational testing, system maintenance and repair procedures, robot computer systems and control language, specific system types and applications to specific industrial tasks, and report preparation.

Students studying Robotics Technology/Technician can earn up to a Bachelors degree. On average, 28% percent of women and 72% percent of men make up the degrees awarded across all college campuses. Of all the US states, Connecticut is where degrees in Robotics Technology/Technician are most popular. The Median Starting Salary for a graduate with a bachelor's degree in Robotics Technology/Technician is $57,600.

Popularity of Robotics Technology/Technician Degrees in the U.S.
This heat map represents the states that have the highest percent of Robotics Technology/Technician degrees compared to all other degrees awarded in that state.
Less Popular
More Popular


The highest paying job for Robotics Technology/Technician majors is Electro-Mechanical and Mechatronics Technologists and Technicians. However, something else to think about is how much demand there is for certain positions. A career that is in high need that a degree in Robotics Technology/Technician can prepare you for is Electro-Mechanical and Mechatronics Technologists and Technicians.

Top Paying Careers

These are the highest paying careers for Robotics Technology/Technician majors.

Most In-Demand Careers

These are the careers in highest demand for Robotics Technology/Technician majors.

Student Demographics

Total Students
Female Students
8 (27%)
Male Students
21 (72%)

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