South Carolina Life Scholarship
$5,000 academic scholarship for South Carolina residents who meet two of the following criteria: a B (3.00) grade point average, rank in the top 30 percent of their graduating class and 1100 score on the SAT (or ACT composite score of 24). No application required. Renewal Qualifications: Earn 30 credit hours by the end of each academic year (fall, spring, summer), equaling a minimum of 30 credit hours consistent with the policies and procedures of the institution if a rising second year student, 60 credit hours if a rising third year student, 90 hours if a rising fourth year student. Earn a 3.0 LIFE GPA based on grades earned at ALL institutions excluding remedial, continuing education, and non-degree credit courses.
Annual Amount
Automatic or Competitive
Annual Amount
Automatic or Competitive
Annual Amount
Automatic or Competitive
Full Tuition
Required Major
Application Required
Full Tuition
Required Major
Application Required

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